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What I learned from Server 1v1


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First I would like to thank TeamOne, especially Nads for organizing and putting on a tremendous event. I would also like to thank HEX for so generously opening their TeamSpeak to the community.


Many of you took away much different learning experiences, and I encourage you to share them here.


However, this is what I got:

I was glad to have had the opportunity to speak with you all regarding the viability of Ranked on our server. I have a host of ideas, but they are unfortunately misguided. I think it was Diz that talked about synergy. This small comment answered many questions for me. PUG night will almost certainly fail due to the lack of it. Its not that the talent pool is non existent, it’s just that a team with Synergy will almost always roll a team of similar skill with out it. This can only be developed through hours and hours on TS and in game play as a team.


There is also a definite gap between the skill sets of those in attendance, and the vast majority of our server. It has nothing to do with gear. Those who participated most certainly represent the top tier of PVP on the Ebon Hawk. I however am a long way off from being counted among you. For me it’s a combination of factors. Im a 30yr old stoner who spends all my in game time Ihibreated, long story, but hence the legacy name. As a result my reaction times are not as quick. This isn’t an excuse; it’s just how I enjoy spending my in game time. If that means not being in the leet among leet so be it. This is also my first MMO or PC game and I simply do not posses the skill lvl to compete in Ranked as of now. This doesn’t mean I won’t always try to improve, take advice where I can get it, and stay involved on these forums. I will forever be the community minded guy who will help organize events and promote community involvement. I will play the neutral party and attempt to diffuse as much negativity as possible. I will group with Recruit geared Paxians and PUGs for the sake of meeting new people and playing with friends. If all my WZs are losses so be it.


This is not a QQ thread, more of an honest realization. What I learned form participating in the tournament. Of course I will continue to PVP and improve over time. I at least hope to provide what competition I can, and look forward to having some of you in the PUGs on occasion.


See you all at the next tournament.



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