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LFG auto selecting another Role

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Good Morning all.


I've had this problem for a while now. I've opened a ticket and they say they have escalated the problem.


Does anyone else have a bug that when they open their LFG and select for instance DAMAGE and unselect Tank or Healer. They sit in the queue for a while then all of a sudden the queue pops and they have been selected for a role that they did not select.

I thought i was going mad the first few times so i decided to queue and then keep the LFG window open. I waited for about 3-7 mins and then all of a sudden the TANK button auto selects itself and the queue pops with me selected as a TANK on my Vanguard or this happens on my Sage as a healer.


I thought this was funny for the first 3 times and now it's stopping me enjoying the game as i have to ask in general for groups as my LFG is retarded.





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