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Don't get Discouraged by Jerks in PUG FP's or OPS


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Only times I see people who get kicked are the ones who constantly don't listen. CC breakers being the worst.


I see a decent bit of that. Some people have trouble seeing the markers (graphics issues, camera angle, whatever), some thing the CC marker is actually a burn marker, some don't know what CC means or is (yes, there have been a few). A fairly common issue is Troopers who are semi-new to the game often use Explosive Round (entirely useless at 50, IMO) and don't realize that it has a slight AoE component.

My usual policy is to give people two warnings or so, and then vote to kick if they're causing wipes.

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I don't mind helping out people who admit they're new to a FP/OP or that they don't know the fights. I'm perfectly fine with explaining, and I'm even willing to deal with undergeared people. What ticks me off are those that refuse to admit to such..


One night, my guild and I were running an storymode EV op for coms.. we were short a tank, so we GF'd for one. This guy joins and the first thing he says to us (before we can even say hi) is "Yall better be pro." Of course, we're all in our voice chat and chatting with another and as soon as we read that, "This isn't going to go well, is it?"


This DPS finally shows up (he claims he's run 100s of FPs and OPs, but we have to explain to him how to use the shuttle for transport with GF) and he's in a mish-mash of gear of everything from greens to one black hole piece. As soon as he shows up, he runs right into the first fight without even asking if we were ready (we had people go AFK because of how long he took to show up) or even which turret we wanted him on. Thankfully, we're able to hold our own long enough for those that were AFK to come back and managed to down the droid.. in spite of him dying 3 times in the fight. We had to use our combat rez and two stealth rezs just on him (had a shadow and scoundrel).


Afterwards, we ask him again if he's sure he'd done these fights before (since he refused to stack during missile salvo and repeatedly blew up the DPS with the grenade). He responds that "Yes, I'm pro.". Right. Whatever. So we trek on.. and again, he runs right to the first group of trash and aggros it.. but does he stop there? No! He keeps going, right across the bridge to the next group and then the third before he dies.. of course, all those mobs come right back for us, causing a wipe. When we asked "what were you doing?" We're hoping for something like a keyboard key got stuck or something. What is his answer, "I always outrun them." Riiight....


Even with him repeatedly aggroing more than 1 mob, we manage to make it to Gharj. This time, he causes 3 wipes during the fight by taunting Gharj off the main tank and facing him into the raid, and then once by leading Gharj off into the lava. Finally, we use the slightly buggy method of tanking him into the door (in hopes of preventing our errant tank from running off again) and manage to kill him, but of course, our wannabe tank dies in the process. At this point he starts PLEADING to be rezzed, continually. Spamming ops chat every second with "PUUUUHHHLEEEAAAZZZEEEE Rez me!" "Rezzzz!!!". We rez him and loot.. he needs on EVERYTHING, then quits group without a word. After that, one of our other guild tanks had gotten on and we managed to get him in and finish the rest of the op without another wipe.


Now.. my guild is tolerant of newbies.. but please.. if your new, be man enough to admit it and listen to advice.

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Six ways you can avoid being screamed at and kicked;


1) Know the FP: If you're a fresh 50, it behooves you to already be familiar with the flashpoint. Run them in normal first, even if you're over-leveled for them. You're expected to have at least run the FP before moving on, and really, a hard mode isn't the place to learn. Now, this is obviously not possible with an Operation, so ...


2) Take an hour to glance over the guides for the FP and OP's : No, *really*. It does NOT take that long at all to read the guys and at least understand the basic mechanics (hide from Anni droid behind turret, use knockbacks or grenade to finish last boss in False Emperor, etc). You don't have to memorize or take notes, but make yourself at least generally familar with it.


3) Tell people you're new! : for the love of God, when someone asks "has everyone run this FP before" , don't remain quiet if you haven't. If everyone is familiar with it, I'm going to assume they know all the skips, where to stand, and what the boss mechanics are -- and if we wipe and you wait until THEN to tell me you are new, people will be understandably angry.


4) Make an *attempt* at being properly geared: look, if you just dinged 50 , no one expect you to show up in augmented campaign gear, lol. But nowdays you get a free set of Tionese and a handful of BH coms just for hitting 50. Get your free set, and run a few dailies to pick up some Black Hole pieces, before you start running. The orange gear with a bunch of green 42 mods that got you to 50 is simply not going to cut it for some of the HM FP and will get you completely wrecked even in an SM OP.


5) Have your guild run you: get with a guild and have them run you through OPs to get into better gear ASAP. Your guildies can also give you tips and tricks on how to make it past certain tricky spots or handle the scarier HM like LI and TFB OP. Running solo is fine when derping about your class story, but a guild really is helpful when doing the end game content. Plus, using GF is a crapshoot in terms of who you end up grouped with. Speaking of that...


6) Be aware of GF and what it's used for: most people running Group Finder FP are doing so for daily comms and black hole comms. They are going to be wanting to do it as fast as possible and , sometimes, will be very dismissive of a new player or even kick you. No matter. Brush yourself off and try again, there are plenty of nice people in the game who will be happy to help.


If you need a healer or tank for any content, I'm on Harbinger and very willing to help fresh 50's.


This is why I hate end-game. I ding 50, then immediately shelve that toon and start leveling the new one. This whole thing just sounds like a second job to me.

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This is why I hate end-game. I ding 50, then immediately shelve that toon and start leveling the new one. This whole thing just sounds like a second job to me.


I used to think that until I tried it. Takes about 3 days worth of dailies (which you need for cash to aug your gear anyway) and a couple of hours of reviewing a youtube video if you really aren't familiar with the mechanics. To me (and this is just my opinion) it's just being respectful -- if you know you're a fresh 50 you do what you need to in order to make sure you are successful and that people don't have to carry you.


As far as kicking goes, eh. I only kick in FP if we have a person who will not listen.

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I completely agree with you on it theres no reason for that but ppl like that do exist I had a guy kicked out of my group the other day and he went ballistic vengeance jugg in shii cho wearing greens trying to tank Foundry.


I can top that!


Last week Shadow infiltration in Sage gear mainly alacrity, with only his belt with defense on it.

Single droid pull at the start of False Emp, he goes down in 2 hits. He had a grand total of 14K HP also.

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That was no new player or even a bad one, that was a troll. And you should have kicked him after about the 2nd screw up. He was getting his jolly's off by doing his best to screw the run up and see how many times he can wipe, then ninja the loot.

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What's worse is when you get the GF players that want to Speedy Gonzales through everything and end up causing a wipe (or two) b/c the stragglers didn't know where to go usually being noobs.


Then they rage quit. How idiotic? If they would have slowed down and taken the extra time to lead instead of run away, they wouldn't have wasted however much time into the OP or FP they had and now have to wait for another queue group.


Not to mention the time wasted by the people who stayed and having to queue up another member.


It's sooo childish.

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I've run countless HM, SM Op's, FP's etc. I've never been kicked either. I just saw this the other night and have seen it occurring more and more lately. I actually felt ashamed that I play with some of these people even if it's random...we are a community after all.


They never gave the guy a chance really. What he did was stupid but no one (including me) told him otherwise on the second wipe.


If you read earlier on I said that getting kicked is one thing. You want to kick someone...for being under geared, not listening, being stubborn etc. That's fine, but don't insult them AND their character too.


The examples above weren't even the case in this instance . What he did happened mainly b/c he didn't know, and they just had it out for the guy from the beginning when he said he was new to the OP and wanted to see the cut scenes.


They were jerks....most people are not. I could see how this could discourage some people with the insults at the end before they kicked him.


Like I said before, you never know who's on the other end.


Nice try to put words in our mouths, they dont get removed from group because they´re undergeared or new to the content, just because they´re being scumbag and unrespectful which make the run unbearable for the 3 others in group.


That funny thing is that those who often get kicked are usually same those who initiate votekicks for stupid reasons (these voting for kick often get cancelled by the other in groups).



This is why I hate end-game. I ding 50, then immediately shelve that toon and start leveling the new one. This whole thing just sounds like a second job to me.


You might playing wrong game, this is a MMORPG game. We other players aint there to just boost you, you have to do your part too. Communication is big part of mmo games, you cant sit there silent and expect others will do all work.

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Its fun to mess with some people though. I remember we had a group of people and decided to do SM Op for coms. We were short 1 person so we joined Queue and had a guy join up. Now this guy was a jerk from the get go. Wanting to know if we all knew what we were doing and weren't noobs. The group was all pretty much in 61 gear and some of us mostly 63 gear (Dread Guard). So we tell him dude its SM EV don't sweat it. He goes on and on about how he has had issues with PuGs in SM EV and he wasn't going to waste his whole night wiping over and over. He's sending tells to people asking if they had done it before etc. We were like Dude don't worry just hurry up and get here or travel now so we can get started. Again this pug preaches about how he is not going to carry us through the Op and if we wipe hes leaving yada yada yada.


So we all get together minus Mr. Professional, zone in and land on the planet. Then we all went over to a Yellow Tauntaun and one after the other did a /stuck and just had a pile of dead bodies around this lone Tauntuan. Then we start making comments like Oh wow that was fast....why does it say release to med center I don't want to release...why can't we just rez here...because the mob is still here etc. So Mr. Professional finally arrives and we are still all dead in a pile around this Tauntuan. He comes over and asks what happened? One guy tells him they must have buffed the Tauntaun...it kicked all our arses. The guy immediately drops group and leaves without saying a word....sucker didn't even rez anyone either!


We have a good laugh re-queue fill the spot and finished the op without a single death. Sometimes when a jerk joins...its more fun to mess with them and make them rage quit :p

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I don't mind helping out people who admit they're new to a FP/OP or that they don't know the fights. I'm perfectly fine with explaining, and I'm even willing to deal with undergeared people. What ticks me off are those that refuse to admit to such..




I don't understand why it's so hard to say "guys, it's my first time in this FP, could you please give me pointers"... It's common courtesy informing your team that you're inexperienced. And I guarantee 99% will respond kindly and offer help and guidance.

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Commando - typo which have been made by me thanks for pointing this - dedicated heal tree not hybrid


As for a gear - will not switch from WH to tionese Alaclarity and aim drops drasticaly, Accuracy it to high thou in PVP gear , power, crit and surge looks good. (fully augumented + Rakata stims still working for better stims)


I know how to optain BH coms but thank You for mentioning this. Untill i will have columni sory but no way I will switch to tionese. Done math, and seen drop in heals.


I would like to mention that some of us have different priorities so I have PvP gear yes because I have been dedicated to it and to RP. Now I get bored so I switched to PvE but still I need time to obtain PvE gear but more importantly I need experience in HM FPs.


Ok so I adressed all points I believe. As for way You have posted those points I hope patronizing and "bashing" were not intended and no offense were given. Am I correct?





KK makes more sense, honestly had no clue what you meant by mando


As for tionesse, if you reread my post I never mentioned tionesse at all, only columi and up


Tionesse is basically useless for anything but storymore IMO


Yes as a healer I can get through a hardmode with dpsers or tank in tionesse (if tank understands their class and all their abilities to make the healing easier), but no one should have to.


Columi is easy to get, very easy


So no reason to accept people in PVP gear or tionesse


Ill also say getting warhero gear doesnt mean you understand class and abilities


There is a ton of abilities PVPers never use or look at on every build that are very useful in PVE content.


A PUG entering in WH over Columi doesnt actually fill the group with reassurance.

3 of my characters (5 50s) are (or very close to) War Hero rank so I do understand the vast difference in play betweeen the two.


Being exposed to PVP doesnt prepare anyone for HM PVE in any other way then energy/ammo/heat conservation. Typically hardcore PVPers are better at figuring out ways to NOT dump all their ammo/energy/heat stores instantly.


But that still doesnt change fact that in PVE a healer in War hero has bonus healing of say 450 and is well below levels for crit chance and crit multiplyer then same person in straight columi gear.


Sorry Len but back in day, due to server being so light on pop I was forced to outfit in Battlemaster/WH gear rather then columi and up originally. As I switched over and optimized I saw how huge a difference there is.


To this very day I still use some columi mods/enhancements in my high end HM OPS Characters.


I use NO PVP gear.

Not a single peice.


I have elite WH / WH gear on characters, its just not used in PVE AT ALL!

Expertise is meaningless in PVE and takes to big a chunk out of your PVE class build


Again the ONE exception is barrels/hilt because getting EWH barrel/hilt is far more simplistic then getting mats (or worse buying mats) for a 27 barrel hilt at the start.


I should point out as well that the ONLY time I personally see someone take issue with someone elses gear is when there is something going on in flashpoint/ops that makes people look at gear


IE: Death rate to high with a healer, Tank not taunting for a tank, DPS not working as DPS should (IE: hitting enrage timers).


The ONLY time I see someone point out gear is when someone tries to enter say LI HM with 16k health.


As for classes healing, I have a Trooper/Sage/Scoundrel/Merc all at 50 all speced in heals. They are all vioable healers but Id be lieing if I didnt say certain healers are better for certain content!


LI HM: Pretty much easy fare for all but commando/merc at the Donkey Kong boss. Its doeable sure (with a good healer and party that hits and utilizes their defensive abilities) but its far easier with a Sage/Sorc (and his powerfull AOE heal + Bubble) or a scoundrel/Operative with their many HOTs and no power use DD heals.


Where as Kaon is VERY SIMPLISTIC with a Commando/Scoundrel because you can be mobile with those two classes where as Sages can struggle at times (depending on group of course, a properly equiped group so easy to heal you get bored and start dpsing) with all the movement required in places.


But all healing classes, if you go to full tree build, are viable in FPS and OPS.

If healer any good anyways.


As for the other stuff you read,


Again no clue what your speaking of so think thats more you looking for that stuff then me writing it. I just wrote whats what, dont see a single insult or demeaning tone at all in post.

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I don't understand why it's so hard to say "guys, it's my first time in this FP, could you please give me pointers"... It's common courtesy informing your team that you're inexperienced. And I guarantee 99% will respond kindly and offer help and guidance.


yup ^^^^^^


Had a kid do this other day in Lost Island hard mode!


He was in tionesse/recruit/columi gear mix but stated he was a first timer and would drop if he got over whelmed by FP!


Ended up being one of the best LI runs this past week I had!


He listened

asked questions if wasnt sure

followed directions to a T




Took abit longer to type everything out but thats no biggy because he was honest and straight forward from the get go!



Later that same day ran with 2 shadows that said multiple times they knew what was up and were old hat at LI HM (they were in rakata mostly)


Multiple wipes

Low DPS (still trying to figure out how a gunslinger in tionesse and vanguard in columi out dps 2 shadows in full rakata) so hit enrage multiple times

Ended up putting one on perm ignore as he pulled the "wait for everyone to greed and then need" trick on drops and after we finished run ONLY THEN did he admit it was his first time (like we hadnt already figured that out 10 times over)


Being upfront and honest makes everything so much easier for all involved!


Oh and btw: Not only did the smuggler get ALL THE RAKATA DROPS from our run, we didnt even roll on them, just gave to him outright. BECAUSE HE WAS HONEST AND NEEDED THEM.

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Being upfront and honest makes everything so much easier for all involved!



I absolutely agree that being upfront and honest is easiest, but there are still jerks that use that as a reason to discriminate against you.


As an example, I queued with the group finder to complete HM Maelstrom Prison for my HK-51 part. After we all ported in, I stated:


Me: this is my first time doing this. Is there anything I need to know?


tank: what gear are you wearing?


me: augmented war hero/elite war hero


tank: switch to your Tionese set for better DPS


me: I can't, my tanking companion Bowdaar is wearing it.


I was kicked from the group in mere seconds.


Is regular Tionese really better than what I'm wearing?


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The early FPs are the most fun for me. At early FPs, I encounter new players who want to experience the content. As my alts get closer to max level, GF increasingly matches me with leet players who want to skip everything, rage quit, boot people for almost no reason, and yell at people who don't already have the gear that the FP gives them.


Increasingly I think GF needs a checkbox for "I want to play this FP" and "I want to speedrun this FP". Then everyone who just wants the main rewards, doesn't want cut scenes, doesn't want bonuses, and doesn't want anyone to spend a moment learning or enjoying the FP can play together.


I'd much rather wipe with someone who is new to the FP than do another boring speed run. So, don't be discouraged! Some people actually want to play with if you're excited to play but don't know what you're doing.


Also, don't engage jerks. Put them on ignore and hope for a better team next time. Putting people on ignore is its own fun. :)

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Only times I see people who get kicked are the ones who constantly don't listen. CC breakers being the worst.


I got kicked once, for being a sith jugg tank :p. It was 3 guildies, and the only thing one of them said was "sorry, but we're looking to get our sith jugg some tanking gear" before I flew out.


As already wearin full campaign/black hole back then I sent him a whisper back stating I needed none of the gear, but wished them good luck on waiting for a next tank to join in, which just for their sake better not be another sith jugg.


He then whispered me back saying he didn't see I was geared, lol. Asking if I still wanted to join up with them anyway :p.


So I asked him if his mom perhaps dropped him when he was a baby. But all he had to say to that was "huh?" :p.

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I got kicked once, for being a sith jugg tank :p. It was 3 guildies, and the only thing one of them said was "sorry, but we're looking to get our sith jugg some tanking gear" before I flew out.


As already wearin full campaign/black hole back then I sent him a whisper back stating I needed none of the gear, but wished them good luck on waiting for a next tank to join in, which just for their sake better not be another sith jugg.


He then whispered me back saying he didn't see I was geared, lol. Asking if I still wanted to join up with them anyway :p.


So I asked him if his mom perhaps dropped him when he was a baby. But all he had to say to that was "huh?" :p.



I can just imagine that conversation and the guys response!



Oh for sure there are jerks in game.

Just put them on ignore and move on is our only option.

Stressing out about them just causes stress.


Today I load up my scoundrel (healer) and go into GF for my daily

Get Taral V and was over joyed.

Suddenly after getting up top to barracks area the tank announced "BTW, this is a gear run, we WILL be killing all the bosses"

I look at group and its me and another PUG and 2 of these guys (guild I never heard of before)

Think to myself "hmmmm somebody has awfully high opinion of themselves" but say nothing and go about my work. (I mean, if its a gear run, why is it not also a 4 member guild run? I didnt click "Gear run acceptable" when I queue up. Why are 2 complete strangers (50% of group) expected to gear their guild members?)


So we get to first boss and this not looking good. FIRST TIME IVE EVER SEEN whats his name (Rippers master) hit an enrage timer. Luckly we get through and no deaths to boot (I was healing my arse off for most of fight)


So we click on terminal and I hop on speeder and ride out and over bulldozer

Other pug does as well

Sure enough the 2 guild folk grab all sorts of argo and wipe us

So we repeat and sure enough all sorts of argo again, this time we waited and forsaw what was going to happen and killed the imps


We go down to bridge and tank runs in

Im healing my butt off again and this droid on bridge is shooting me completely alone and unengaged by tank or either dsp.



Me: "Ummmm" *spamming heals


Me: "help?"

Im still mass healing the group and have no power for myself



So after they FINALLY move to droid and kill it I say


"Guys ive done this routine before so let me say up front and clear, if the tank is not going to control Agro on mobs Ill be dropping. Im fine with your imposed gear run stuff but tank has to control agro"


Tank "I am taunting, your just DPSing to much"

ME" You got to be joking right?"

Dead silence for about a minute then I get a tell

Tank "if you DPS to much you steal agro from me, just stick to healing, healing builds no agro and you will not get attacked"


Told Tank he was a bleeping moron, put him on ignore and left group and flashpoint


As the old saying goes


You CANT fix Stupid


Morale of story


Sadly when using Group Finder we have no control over the groups and people we group with for the first time. Judge people on their behavior and maturity and just filter out the rest on a case by case basis.


We really have no other choice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd share the worst flashpoint experience I've ever had on this game the other day (its a long one I warn you).


Now usually I don't pug, since I always roll with my guild, however I've only recently returned to this game after a long hiatus and without a guild now, so PUGing has become the norm for me.


So I just hit 50 with my Scoundrel, and have leveled him as a healer all the way. I geared myself up in a nice gear including Rakata craftables and some 140 rating GTN gear. I'd like to think I know my class healing mechanics very well and not once have I messed up a group doing so. Granted I've always been DPS with my Sniper main, but after research and experience I was sure I was ready to go as a healer.


Ok so I queue up for any HM flashpoint and get a group for the easiest one - Esseles. We start the group relatively simple enough but then I'm noticing a trend - I'm healing the DPS more than I'm healing the tank, but I think nothing of it since this is just trash. The tank then drops a peculiar comment - "hey healer focus on healing only", a strange comment considering I haven't used a single offensive ability the whole time. But regardless we move on.


We get to the first boss which we down with no problems, except I found myself healing the DPS and myself more than the tank, no bother I think, the group were probably in a rush and didnt bother with traditional tactics and just wanted to faceroll it. Then we got to that second boss - the Mandalorian, thats when things went horrific. For some reason the DPS always initiated the pull, and the tank was doing god knows what. Suddenly, I find I'm taking the most of the threat and damage, so Im healing myself more than anyone else. Inevitably I end up dying, and hence the group wipes. It was then at this point I was greeted with an onslaught of insults in the group chat - "OMG healer u noob" "heal yourself otherwise we all die" "*** group will go reaaly slowly with this noob healer"


See, me being a fresh healer (in terms of end-game content) I thought it was probably my fault that we all wiped, (actually I had a niggling suspicion at the back of my mind that we died because the DPS fancied himself as the tank, whereas the tank was doing something else) but I did the humble thing put it down as my mistake and apologised. So we had another go at the boss, and this time I was working my *** off healing not just the tank, but both DPS and myself - all of us for whatever reason swapping aggro between the boss. Now again I find myself in the position where Im heal-tanking, while the DPS and tank go AWOL. Naturally I die first again, and the group wipes. Again I get greeted with the insults which become more nefarious - "OMG go kill yourself you nooob, delete ur character etc"


Now at this point I was done being polite and humble. I did something I would never do in an MMO and told them I was sure i was doing everything right and kindly instructed they go **** themselves, and left the group. It didnt end there, back in the fleet I was being spammed with private messagess by 2 of the 3 group members, continuing with the extreme insults.


Now naturally, I ignored and reported them but I was shockened by the much of jerk they were. Heck, they went beyond 'jerk' levels, they were flat out cold and evil in their insults. Now for me being a relatively experienced player I laughed off the experience, but I could imagine how disconcerting and demoralising that might be for a new player freshly hitting level 50. So if you do come across idiots like that who are not willing to tell you where you went wrong (or in my case deny their mistakes), then dont take it to heart, tell them to do one, leave the group and find another one.


Sorry for the long rant.

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Just thought I'd share the worst flashpoint experience I've ever had on this game the other day (its a long one I warn you).


Now usually I don't pug, since I always roll with my guild, however I've only recently returned to this game after a long hiatus and without a guild now, so PUGing has become the norm for me.


-Snip for space=


Sorry for the long rant.


First of all, I am really shocked at the level of "fragile-ness" in this game. "OMG you call my mommy fat! Report!", "OMG, you told me to go kill myself! Report!" seriously, these people who say these kind of stuff do not care and neither does BioWare customer support unless some racial slurs were used. All these superfluous "mature" people only make yourselves look weak in the eyes of flamers and trolls. Now, I am not saying go start a war every time someone lash out at you (although that's what I always do personally), but there are times when you need to defend yourself.


Your story fits exactly into the second category. Right from the start you need to start noticing problems in your group. Why are you healing the DPS more than the tank? The fact that you didn't know the reason automatically puts you at fault. Why? Because not only you are fueling whatever mistaken notion your other group members have about themselves/you, but you are CONSENTING to their behavior by remaining silent. First thing you should had done is to check the tank if that POS is even in the correct stance, after that check his gear. With the group finder system a lot of dual role classes sign up as either tank or heal when they are not for faster queue time.


Also just because you took a year break doesn't make you "at a disadvantage". This game is not like WoW or Rift or Tera or other major brand where a week of hiatus and the whole universe filps on you. No, in fact I don't think this game changed at all from a year ago. This means, you are automatically at an ADVANTAGE given your past experience. A lot of players nowadays are post 1.4 noobs who are so used to nerfed contents that they don't know how the actually game mechanic used to work. So in your case of Ironfist's fight, what you should had done is defend yourself that you had been healing yourself and that the tank was neglecting his job to keep aggro off you. Next, the one thing that confounds me the most: If the boss was shooting at you, WHY WERE YOU STILL IN COMBAT?


Seriously, you are a Scoundrel, which means you have1 single ability which all other healers will commit mass genocide to have: Disappearing Act. This skill will vanish you, drops you out of combat, thus resetting your aggro. If things went south and nobody is trying to help you, then vanish and watch with amusement as rest of your POS group die in a horrible flaming death. So moral of the story? Stop being such a weak sheep and be more confident about your class, yourself and your skill. More importantly, learn to stand up for yourself. Unlike in real life, there are no "Parents", "Teachers", "Principle" or "Police" to help bail you out when you are confronted by bullies such as the ones you've met.

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Your advice is pretty good. I like it.


I have only seen one instance where we had to kick someone from group - because the best geared guy in our group didn't know what he was doing regarding the HK fight. After explaining the fight in detail 3+ times, the guy was still just standing there every time someone was stunned. We explained why AoEs are useful there, but he just would not listen. x.x

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First of all, I am really shocked at the level of "fragile-ness" in this game. "OMG you call my mommy fat! Report!", "OMG, you told me to go kill myself! Report!" seriously, these people who say these kind of stuff do not care and neither does BioWare customer support unless some racial slurs were used. All these superfluous "mature" people only make yourselves look weak in the eyes of flamers and trolls. Now, I am not saying go start a war every time someone lash out at you (although that's what I always do personally), but there are times when you need to defend yourself.


Your story fits exactly into the second category. Right from the start you need to start noticing problems in your group. Why are you healing the DPS more than the tank? The fact that you didn't know the reason automatically puts you at fault. Why? Because not only you are fueling whatever mistaken notion your other group members have about themselves/you, but you are CONSENTING to their behavior by remaining silent. First thing you should had done is to check the tank if that POS is even in the correct stance, after that check his gear. With the group finder system a lot of dual role classes sign up as either tank or heal when they are not for faster queue time.


Also just because you took a year break doesn't make you "at a disadvantage". This game is not like WoW or Rift or Tera or other major brand where a week of hiatus and the whole universe filps on you. No, in fact I don't think this game changed at all from a year ago. This means, you are automatically at an ADVANTAGE given your past experience. A lot of players nowadays are post 1.4 noobs who are so used to nerfed contents that they don't know how the actually game mechanic used to work. So in your case of Ironfist's fight, what you should had done is defend yourself that you had been healing yourself and that the tank was neglecting his job to keep aggro off you. Next, the one thing that confounds me the most: If the boss was shooting at you, WHY WERE YOU STILL IN COMBAT?


Seriously, you are a Scoundrel, which means you have1 single ability which all other healers will commit mass genocide to have: Disappearing Act. This skill will vanish you, drops you out of combat, thus resetting your aggro. If things went south and nobody is trying to help you, then vanish and watch with amusement as rest of your POS group die in a horrible flaming death. So moral of the story? Stop being such a weak sheep and be more confident about your class, yourself and your skill. More importantly, learn to stand up for yourself. Unlike in real life, there are no "Parents", "Teachers", "Principle" or "Police" to help bail you out when you are confronted by bullies such as the ones you've met.


A couple of things - firstly I never claimed that the year off was a disadvantage, only that it was the reason I no longer had a guild and was hence forced to pug. I remember the mechanics quite clearly.


And trust me I was more or less spamming Disappearing act and surrender off CD because of the group, so I never always had it available. I was actually standing up for myself - reminding the group that I shouldn't be healing the DPS and myself more than the tank, and hinting that the tank really ought to be doing a better job with aggro. Alas its a little difficult to get your point sincerely across when the entire group decide from the beginning to paint you as the scapegoat for anything that goes pearshaped.


Now don't get me wrong - I'm not this fragile, sensitive little flower that crumbles at any sign of 'bullying', I've dealt adequately with bullies in the real world and I can deal with them with pleasure in MMOS too. Perhaps my only downfall is my patience and civility - I tend not to want to engage in mindless e-peen arguments online with the whole "do you even lift brah?!" rhetoric, instead opting for manners and courtesy. Perhaps they were futile and wasted in the case of this group. I only reported them after they insisted with the insults AFTER I'd left the group - prior to that I was happy to ignore these clowns for ever and move on, but the fact they felt the need to pursue their clown levels of behaviour for me felt they prompted being reported.


And trust me this isn't just about my sole experience, after that little ordeal I grouped with others and cleared content with ease. It was just a little surreal seeing a group gang up on you when you were clearly not in the wrong, perhaps people were desperate to deflect any sort of blame and hence jumped on the first scapegoat bandwagon which happened to be me. Its exemplifies a sad portrayal of some jerkish behaviour in PUGs if anything.

Edited by ZakMorgan
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Half dps/healer queues as healer. He claimed the system wouldn't have queued him as a healer if the system didn't think he could heal. He also had level 27 gear on. No Tionese gear. We wiped 4-5 times. Then he was kicked.


These people don't know about the free 99 Tionese comms nor the free Recruit Mark II gear.


Maybe Bioware needs to put the gear and comms into their inventory when they ding 50.

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