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1990 dps: NiMFirebrand and Stormcaller


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No, if he had died, it would have been a wipe since it would have been impossible to make up for that lost dps and solo dps Stormcaller.


I didn't look at the log before I commented, saw the total damage done and didn't see that you switched to FB for the last phase. There's a finite amount of HP, and if you had done that much damage to just SC and adds it would have meant your other DPS either died or wasn't pulling their weight which is where the comment spawned from.

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Way to edit the log and then reupload it to torparse to inflate your dps to 2031, seen some other supposedly amazing logs of yours that have been edited to cut out the beginning to eliminate the ramp up from building juyo stacks ect. To be honest you smack of try hard epeener kid, anyone who goes to these lengths to inflate #s is always gonna be under suspicion of fudging their #s a little while their already editing their log neway.


You want respect? Try not editing your logs or running to the forums the first time you set a decent record like a 1st grader asking his mom to hang his report card on the fridge. Because as is you just look like some try hard bad who figured out how to use notepad.

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Way to edit the log and then reupload it to torparse to inflate your dps to 2031, seen some other supposedly amazing logs of yours that have been edited to cut out the beginning to eliminate the ramp up from building juyo stacks ect. To be honest you smack of try hard epeener kid, anyone who goes to these lengths to inflate #s is always gonna be under suspicion of fudging their #s a little while their already editing their log neway.


You want respect? Try not editing your logs or running to the forums the first time you set a decent record like a 1st grader asking his mom to hang his report card on the fridge. Because as is you just look like some try hard bad who figured out how to use notepad.


Wow, lotta hate there bud. First off, all I did was cut out the beggining where I was not doing any damage, and at the end after we killed them, so I could look at what dps I actually did throughout the fight, not cut out the beginning of building juyo, which is still all there btw. Second, I just posted it here and on the harbinger pve dps forum because a guildie suggested that I should post it, but thanks for obviously taking the time to learn so much about me and determine that I am the coolest kid on the block. :cool:


Besides, there's a reason I posted the 1990 dps on the forums rather than the 2031 since the 1990 reflects the whole fight in its entirety.

Edited by WiththeForc
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The parse cutting out juyo stacking is over in the harbinger dps leader boards thread, as for seeing what you actually did during the fight, 1990 is what you actually did, because combat takes a moment to enter and several moments to exit according to the game. What you actually did was falsify data submitted to a ranking site in order to gain a higher ranking, which says everything about you that needs said.
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The parse cutting out juyo stacking is over in the harbinger dps leader boards thread


lulz, way to read the rules on that forum post dude, says there on the first page you can trim it long as it's still of sufficient length and a continuous parse, so you can do exactly what I did and take the best section of your parse.


as for seeing what you actually did during the fight, 1990 is what you actually did, because combat takes a moment to enter and several moments to exit according to the game.


was referring to when I was actually damaging the tanks/adds, not the 2 sec waiting for tank to establish aggro or the last 2 sec or so of me trying to run back up to Stormcaller because Firebrand was dead but I didn't have my charge back (who died before I even got over to him)


What you actually did was falsify data submitted to a ranking site in order to gain a higher ranking, which says everything about you that needs said.


If it really bothers you that much, get a hold of torparse and have it removed. As it stands, it's still a 1990 dps parse which is still 2nd on both that site and AMR.

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lulz, way to read the rules on that forum post dude, says there on the first page you can trim it long as it's still of sufficient length and a continuous parse


If you really feel this way, get a hold of torparse and have it removed, as it stands, it's still a 1990 dps parse which is still 2nd on both that site and AMR.


Edited data, misrepresenting classes potential is terrible for the high end community, regardless of what a thread says you as a player should know that bypassing a period of time where your dps is ramping that is a natural function of your class is disingenuous as is editing out a mistake that cost you dps (not having FC to travel to SC once FB died is just that), but you do it anyway which speaks to poor character in the pursuit of #s


Now tell me why should I trust these are the only things your willing to edit or the only lengths your willing to go to to inflate your numbers... now multiply that by an entire community and perhaps you can fathom how detrimental this seemingly growing trend could be for the high end community of an MMORPG


Cheating is looked upon very harshly in almost every facet of the real world, I have no idea why you think it would be any different here, and editing a log to inflate your dps and then submitting it for ranking is cheating.


Dropping the combat drop is meh, I've done it when looking at data on occasion, always represented as such. Preloading resources, bypassing intended ramp up times, bringing in external debuffs and then not representing the parse as such is a different matter all together and now there have been instances of people straight changing #s, the name of the dummy they are parsing on and editing out mistakes, which is downright despicable.

Edited by Saferai
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This annoys me, more so from the fact that at 2031, it misrepresents his actual fight data. Were I to do this on some of my fights, I'm more than sure I would be 50 dps over anything on torparse for various fights (I purposely don't upload logs until I see a number that is in the top 5, because I am competitive as a DPS and want to compete against other skilled DPS. More so than any of my guilds I've been in on server have had to offer.) Having someone edit their log to push it that high is just silly, and ruins my bit of mediocre fun seeing as to how easy the highest end 8m content is.
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So the moral of the lesson is... do not touch or edit the notepad!


Do-not-touch-it-at-all. Period. lol.


Anyway, i've always been curious, since i dont have a marauder, how is that fight tailor made for marauders? I would agree, it's hard to compete with marauderrs in that fight as a DoT sniper. I know why DoT snipers lose DPS in that fight and that's because of the tremendous amount of adds/target switching. But how is this not applicable, to say, Anni marauders (being a DoT class themselves(?). I know Carnage is more of a DD (burst?) type of spec so that fight is good for them too (?)


Without the adds that spawn it is just like a normal tank and spank fight. So i am assuming it's BECAUSE of the numerous adds and target switching that is making that fight , as said above, tailor made for them (?)


Sorry for so many questions :D

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So the moral of the lesson is... don't touch / edit the notepad before uploading the it to torparse! Do-not-touch-it-at-all. lol


Anyway, i've always been curious, since i dont have a marauder, how is that fight tailor made for marauders? I would agree, it's hard to compete with marauderrs in that fight as a DoT sniper. I know why DoT snipers lose DPS in that fight and that's because of the tremendous amount of adds/target switching. But how is this not applicable, to say, Anni marauders (being a DoT class themselves(?). I know Carnage is more of a DD (burst?) type of spec so that fight is good for them too (?)


Without the adds that spawn it is just like a normal tank and spank fight. So i am assuming it's BECAUSE of the numerous adds and target switching that is making that fight , as said above, tailor made for them (?)


Sorry for so many questions :D

Annihilation requires a huge amount of attention to be paid to achieve perfect rotations, literal milliseconds of delay on certain abilities ca result in 50+ dps lost, and this requires very little *actual* attention to position.

As well as that, maras get two 3k-4k hits on slowed/immobilized targets, so doing this on the adds is great. Insta target switching with leap is also very very nice.

Not to mention that cloak of pain reciprocates some damage if you are on SC taking the DD (in carnage it also generates more rage/fury).

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Annihilation requires a huge amount of attention to be paid to achieve perfect rotations, literal milliseconds of delay on certain abilities ca result in 50+ dps lost, and this requires very little *actual* attention to position.

As well as that, maras get two 3k-4k hits on slowed/immobilized targets, so doing this on the adds is great. Insta target switching with leap is also very very nice.

Not to mention that cloak of pain reciprocates some damage if you are on SC taking the DD (in carnage it also generates more rage/fury).


I see.. so in other words that fight is tailor made for them because of the adds that spawn gets increased dmg due to being rooted/immobilized. and taking dmg from firebrand/sc gives them extra rage/fury

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No need to run, easy target switch, enemies that don't move and mostly NO PAUSE IN DPS.


Thats an annihilation marauder wet dream come true.


There may be a slight delay between the last trandoshan death and going back to the tank, but thats all.


As far as parse editing goes, I normally just change the "out of fight" time to the last hit time on dummies, thats it.


But seeing as I don't upload them, or when I do I don't publish the link anywhere since I only do it to know where my dps stand and what content I'm able to go on, I don't think its epeen driven, more accuracy driven.


Imo, the sole person you should always drive to beat is yourself.

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No need to run, easy target switch, enemies that don't move and mostly NO PAUSE IN DPS.


Thats an annihilation marauder wet dream come true.


Regarding the "NO PAUSE IN DPS" part. Well that's true for ALL DPS classes. The things you mentioned apply to everyone in the raid. I think another one of the posts above answered my question. The little adds receive a damage buff from marauders from being rooted / immobilized. And yeah ofc not a lot of downtime due to running around.

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Regarding the "NO PAUSE IN DPS" part. Well that's true for ALL DPS classes. The things you mentioned apply to everyone in the raid. I think another one of the posts above answered my question. The little adds receive a damage buff from marauders from being rooted / immobilized. And yeah ofc not a lot of downtime due to running around.


Not everyone in the raid will lose a buff call "annihilator" however, which is my point here..


Also the kick is a natural followthrough to force charge. Rather nice.


You missed that. Carnage player?

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Would you mind putting up a shot of your gear / stats? I have a Watchman Sentinel that I'd like to be BiS and am almost there (I think). I would just like to compare. Nice job btw, that fight is always fun for me. :D


Can also get slightly more dps with an exotech stim instead of a rakata like I used.

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the link isnt working ?

you using anihilation or carnage ?

31/3/7 anni.

Also, dunno why the link isn't working for you unless you're either copying and pasting the link or running on internet explorer. When I click on it it works so not sure how I can fix if for ya :(

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