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Make a survey


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Being a subscriber that looks at the boards, you always see people who yell about this or yell about that. If anything that I have learned over the years is that the people who yell on the boards may be part of a very vocal but minority portion of the game. Now, EA Bioware, if you want to know what your player base wants, make a real survey.


Some guidelines for your survey:

* Only for current subscribers that have been active for at least 6 months - those are the people who pay the bills and who will continue to pay the bills. These are the people who actually care about the game.

* Make sure to inquire what kind of server the players play on primarily.

* Make sure that the questions allow a wide range answers - don't include yes, no, don't care questions. You want more shades of grey than that. Some of the questions may also have multiple answers selectable to them.

* Make sure to have very clear and detailed questions - the better the customer understands the question, the better they should be able to answer.

* Ask questions regarding potential content concepts ("What do you think about organized battle droid arena fights?")

* Include questions regarding every current aspect of the game: class quests, planet quests, artwork, PVE, PVP, role-play, guilds, flashpoints, operations, space missions, the message board, customer service, game performance, etc etc etc...

* Don't be afraid to ask questions about the dark side of the business - what we customers dislike about things you are doing - customer service performance, software bugs, level of communication between you and customers, etc etc etc. You want honest feedback.

* Have the survey split into multiple sections, to help clarification and keeping the customer focused.

* Have a feedback section at the end of the survey where people can write around 8,000 characters (about 1,000 words).

* Test out the survey yourselves to see how long it takes to answer and make it clear that the survey should take around 15,20,30 minutes (or more)

* Provide an honorarium - people who answer the entire survey get a minor benefit - a pet, a title, 50 cartel coins, etc etc etc. Don't promise anything specific, or you may have people who will rush through the survey just to get their payment.


That way, you will know what people REALLY want and what you should focus on.

Edited by jterlecki
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