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watchmen dps..


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Coming back to the game and remaking from a marauder to a sent since im finding the Jedi style more appealing now and wondering if it's worth it over a guardian now. I always like the dot spec feel of watchmen... Like a melee version of my cabalist but hear its gimped now. Would it be more viable to roll vigiliance guardian? Or is it still fine for reg warzones and what not?
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Watchman in PvE is still great, it's not that fantastic in PvP anymore since they cut the self healing down substantially and you can still have your dots removed by healers. Most Sentinels in PvP are Focus or Combat probably making up 70% of pvp Sentinels.


Guardians are great though and do fine with DPS and obviously have the option to be a tank should you feel the desire to fill that role. The Sentinel will push more DPS then a Guardian will in most cases if gear and skill is even, and it should.


That's just the way I've experienced it at least.

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Watchman is a great leveling spec and is capable of the highest sustained dps...it just takes longer to get the damage ramped up. It isn't fotm in pvp because the bulk of damage (40% +/-) is from cleansable burn damage. Which makes it negatable by good healers. I prefer watchman to combat but, I can appreciate the burst qualities with operations having more and more switching phases and burn phases. Combat is also good against more mobile bosses while watchman stands out for burning one big target down.
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