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Watchman : How to...


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Hey fellow sentinels,



I seem to have a dilemma in my 31 3 7 spec. I am trying to keep 3 dots from overload and 1 from cauterize on a constant refresh but this evades me. When I manage to keep all the dots up, mox shows something close to 2k damage. Sadly, there comes a time when many things are on cooldown and the fillers I use drop my damage significantly. Now this is the best case scenario when by some miracle i can refresh all the dots three times in a row.


Sadly, the above rarely happens, and most of the time I end up with 1 dot from cauterize and 1 dot from overload. I start the whole process all over. I have yet to find the optimum priority in keeping 3 dots refreshed most of the time. My DPS is not too shabby (1650-1800) but I feel it is under what the gear can do. I am to blame I know so I am asking for your feedback.



My opener is the following:


1. Leap

2. Overload

3. Zealous

4. Rakata Attack Adernal

5. Cauterize

6. Merciless

7. Masterstrike



If cauterize gets refreshed I use it, if not, I use 1 slash to force a refresh. If it refreshes, then I leap again for focus, overload, zealous (apply 1st overload), merciless (2 stacks already and I apply my second overload dot). Now I have to make a choice, do I apply my third overload, wait a bit cauterize or I use a filler. I have tried mutliple scenarios. I have used fillers like, bladestorm, force sweep and stasis, to keep one stack of overload and bring overload cd as low as possible to apply the dot, cauterize it, then refresh it. I do not know if i am making any sense.



Can some of you share your priority so to say? I had a look in the tutorial threads and while helpful, I think I need some specific feedback. :o

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I don't use a rotation per se, more like a priority list...


Basically you want this to be your priority








Should be:





MS if > 3s left on Merciless/Overload

Slash if it won't leave with you too little focus to use overload/merciless




You never ever want to miss the CD on Merciless/Overload even by a second ideally, as those two having max uptime accounts for 40%+ of your DPS. They are both higher than dispatch, as dispatch becomes your focus waster instead of an extra slash.

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Cauterize is more damage than overload...cauterize ticks 6 times...overload 3...


I went and looked at an old log and realized merciless is quite a bit better than dispatch...so that tip will help me pick up some dps.


Revised it would be:







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  • 3 weeks later...
Cauterize is more damage than overload...cauterize ticks 6 times...overload 3...


I went and looked at an old log and realized merciless is quite a bit better than dispatch...so that tip will help me pick up some dps.


Revised it would be:







Where did you get that idea? Both Overload and Cauterize apply a 6 second dot, the overload dot doing half the damage of the cauterize one. Difference is the cauterize dot is a single stack only, applied on the the use of cauterize whereas overload grants you a buff allowing you to apply a stack of the dot with your next 3 melee attacks. Each time an extra stack is applied the timer resets, if you follow overload with 3 melee attacks on gcd each stack will tick once before the next stack is applied. At 3 stacks your overload deals 150% of the damage the cauterize dot does.


Aside from that overload activates off the gcd so why wouldn't you use it on cd?

Edited by WooliestWorm
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I never said I don't use it off CD...I said...if they're both up my next attack is cauterize...then overload...


Also...I could swear the tooltip says 3 seconds on overload...but I may be wrong...

Edited by planet_J
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I never said I don't use it off CD...I said...if they're both up my next attack is cauterize...then overload...


Also...I could swear the tooltip says 3 seconds on overload...but I may be wrong...


And I quote:

Overload Saber:

Charges your lightsabers with deadly energy for 15 seconds, causing your next 3 successful melee attacks to make the target burn for 235 elemental damage over 6 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.


Overload Saber > Cauterize, pretty much always.


Usually If I have at least 8 Focus and Overload Saber is off CD I do OS > Merciless > Master Strike (if available, does the last two stacks of OS and I think it spaces the stacks out by 3 second instead of 1.5, making your strongest DOT last longer) > Zealous Strike (if available)> Strike > Cauterize (if available) > Slash.

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I never said I don't use it off CD...I said...if they're both up my next attack is cauterize...then overload...


Also...I could swear the tooltip says 3 seconds on overload...but I may be wrong...


Should use Overload first, that way your cauterize will also apply a stack of overload, and you don't even lose time by using overload first, only time you should have to choose is lack of focus and then use overload first.

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