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Juggy tank and Commando healer both want guilds!


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Hey ladies and gents. I joined Jung ma because I've got some friends on the server, and I ended up keeping 2 of my low level toons on there to build into PvP powerhouses. I'd like for both of them to be in guilds. I work well by myself, but better with a team and guidance. Let me know if you're interested.


Deviluknow - Level 19 Sith Warrior Juggernaut Tank. EDIT: Recruited! Storm Squadron


Shoot-first - Level 14 Trooper Commando Healer (not very far up the heal tree, but will be soon)


I'm not much of an RP'er, I'm a gamer. I want to run flashpoints, warzones, world PvP ops, and whatever else the game throws at me.



Edited by SectionThirtyOn
Tank has been recruited
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