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Vonskr = 400+ queue REALLY?


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Please fix this Bioware. At least give us the ability to transfer servers immediately. You're now in public launch and it seems all the time you wasted watching emails go out for waved invites to early access was wasted. I'm sitting in a 30 minute queue this morning like nearly EVERY OTHER time I want to log in.


Sorry for thr gripe but seriously. As of yesterday, I'm a paying customer, not a beta tester or early access freebie.

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Since this is clearly your first MMO launch, I'll give you a couple hints. First, this is launch day. This is what happens when an MMO launches. Everyone tries to log in at once. Secondly, this will die down. People can't take work off forever. People are excited and want to log in all at once. Chill out.


(no, it's not getting old)

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You're missing the point and being fan boys. I've played no less than 6 MMO from beta to launch or beyond. These companies should be getting better and learning form each others successes as well as failures.


We had some consessions in the early access so Bioware could ensure stability of servers, this was obviously discounted or overlooked. Just accepting it and not being vocal will ensure it happens every time a new game is launched.

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Hello everyone,


We know that the game queues are an important topic and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread where an official statement has been made. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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