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Satele Shan Holostatue


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So I was running around on the fleet and I came cross someone that dropped down a Satele Shan Holostatue. Well apparently it's a training npc as well that you can just drop anywhere. Only from the cash shop only. I must say, well done Bioware, well done indeed. You game design decisions are most excellent, AAA+.



It's a down right shame really. If you guys had only done more of this kind of thing in the beginning and adding it into the game somehow via quests or world drops you might have retained more subs and more loyal fans from the start. Your legacy options for the most part are down right silly and a total waste. I would have rathered you added the holo statue for training into legacy but hey, anyway you can get that extra dollar I guess.

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Its not that big of deal and you can get them for like 100k from the GTN...


Thats just the thing, I don't want to pay credits for it or hope someone else buys the lotto box to sell it. I want to explore, fight starwars enemies, or complete quests and get rewards. I would like to see things like this in the actual game itself. By them just throwing it in the cash shop makes me sad.

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  • 8 months later...
So I was running around on the fleet and I came cross someone that dropped down a Satele Shan Holostatue. Well apparently it's a training npc as well that you can just drop anywhere. Only from the cash shop only. I must say, well done Bioware, well done indeed. You game design decisions are most excellent, AAA+.



It's a down right shame really. If you guys had only done more of this kind of thing in the beginning and adding it into the game somehow via quests or world drops you might have retained more subs and more loyal fans from the start. Your legacy options for the most part are down right silly and a total waste. I would have rathered you added the holo statue for training into legacy but hey, anyway you can get that extra dollar I guess.


If you preordered the RoTHC.. they gave you a non-faction based Hutt holostatue that is also a pop and drop trainer. If you did not pre-order... tough cupcakes.


As for the random drop trainers form CCs from MONTHS ago... who cares. a holo-trainer is a game perk.. not something you have to have. Nothing worthy of a mega-mission arc or anything. If you want one... there were truckloads for sale for months at reasonable prices. They are still for sale in fact on the GTN.

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sad to see they removed these statues from game, only way to get them is GTN now, unless there's something im missing.


You may also obtain them it and the Darth Malgus trainer from the Embargoed Goods vendor in the Cartel Bazaar. I think they are not like 4 Cartel Certificates and 100k

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It is more disgusting, that they retrospectively changed to BoE the previously freely tradable version. Just so that you would need to spend cc to use on multiple character.


Personally, I'm fine with paying the coins. Why?


1) Moving the earlier BoE version around the legacy was a pain to keep track of and do.

2) The unlock is account wide.. which means I can access it on multiple servers (I play on two different ones).


All moot now with the RoTHC Hutt holostatue. The Hutt statue did however drive the prices of the originals from the Cartel Packs down in the market though. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Personally, I'm fine with paying the coins. Why?


1) Moving the earlier BoE version around the legacy was a pain to keep track of and do.

2) The unlock is account wide.. which means I can access it on multiple servers (I play on two different ones).


All moot now with the RoTHC Hutt holostatue. The Hutt statue did however drive the prices of the originals from the Cartel Packs down in the market though. :)


I am sure you would be fine to pay cc on top of the subscription just to log in the game...


The fact is they changed something for the worse and if i want it back to the state it was before (being able to use it on any of my character), I would have to pay cc.


Also I bought it for quite a lot of money back then, knowing after I am done using it, I could resell it. This cannot be done anymore... So a big slap in the face.

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Ikr? Thank goodness, cos this has been bugging me since January when 3 people commented on it...


It's the ying and yang of forum life. I could have sworn I saw a thread just the other day on the Czerka Crate-omatic. The original thread was almost 2 years old.

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  • 2 weeks later...
can anyone tell me how many Cartel Coins it costs to unlock the statue for your alt? considering purchasing one but won't do it if the cartel coin cost is too high


It is 240 Cartel Coins to open it account wide. It's the same for the Darth Malgus Statue

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If you preordered the RoTHC.. they gave you a non-faction based Hutt holostatue that is also a pop and drop trainer. If you did not pre-order... tough cupcakes.


Me too, it was the best thing to come from preordering, and it only cost a fiver, which made the expansion going for free later much less painful.

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