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Jedi Shadow Infiltrators, effectiveness since the latest patch?


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How do they fare? Is the class fun, situational, demanding of focus, and challenging? Can your skill mean the difference between being influential on the battlefield or being absolutely useless?


that's improperly asked question.

Because there are too many variable that actually determine WHAT JSI can do during WZ.


Ideally we would be fast cappers, provided that everyone else keeps the enemies BUSY.


In case of PuGging, it is actually up to JSI to decide what role to take. Either a capper or a damage dealer, because, well,if there's no chance that the PuG would go easy, you need to do the best you can and seek your chances.


However you will need to stay focused all the time, it is not the " - here I go, big smasher watch me all" class neither ":i will stand alone in my corner far away from any fight and will stun everyone with my Tech operative tools".


No, JSI is a fighter, close fighter and needs to move fast in order to avoid any of those smashers or stunners.

Run, run, run, stealth, and re-appear at their backs, hit hard, rinse, repeat.


You cannot withstand too much hits cos you are VERY squishy in your light robes.

So be flexible, be hidden and be deadly when you hit them. Once you are on them, hardly any escapes. But you must be prepared and know your rotations well - also their modifications in case things go not as planned.


but its FUN. It's challenging fun.

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Infil/Decep is squishy? Lol, maybe in a rated match if you're focused by multiple opponents. In regs, again, lol. Only if you're doing it wrong. Between Entropic Field, Deflection, Sith Defiance, Darkswell blackout, and force shroud you should almost feel "tanky" at times.
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Quite fun to play, when played right (not many do this) can be quite effective with good burst. Only place is in regs not in ranked.


I don't agree with your last statement. I believe with the right team deception can be ALMOST as effective as PTs as far as burst damage goes. Deception/ infiltration can taunt and ,IMHO, better defensive cool downs. Unfortunately, the current general consensus supports your stance and not many, if any, guilds are willing to give deception infiltration a fair chance. Hopefully with redesign of the skill trees for the new expansion, deception may get a second look from ranked teams.


Until then ill continue to wreck up regs and be content.

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I don't agree with your last statement. I believe with the right team deception can be ALMOST as effective as PTs as far as burst damage goes. Deception/ infiltration can taunt and ,IMHO, better defensive cool downs. Unfortunately, the current general consensus supports your stance and not many, if any, guilds are willing to give deception infiltration a fair chance. Hopefully with redesign of the skill trees for the new expansion, deception may get a second look from ranked teams.


Until then ill continue to wreck up regs and be content.


I think I may have seen one infiltration on a rated team. I feel PT's are far far better at single target damage, I can out perform a pt's burst but only with recklessness out side that you rely heavy on crit which isn't always there. I would love to try a dps build for my rated but my team is dead set against it.

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Now I'm not saying replace your hybrid sin with a dpser. I'm suggesting running a two assassin team. Hybrid is good because it has massive utility and can put out respectable damage numbers. They can also get higher protection numbers than a dps thru gaurd swapping. Dps is good because it can respond faster to callouts and has IMHO better escape and burst than its hybrid cousin.
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Now I'm not saying replace your hybrid sin with a dpser. I'm suggesting running a two assassin team. Hybrid is good because it has massive utility and can put out respectable damage numbers. They can also get higher protection numbers than a dps thru gaurd swapping. Dps is good because it can respond faster to callouts and has IMHO better escape and burst than its hybrid cousin.


I hear what your saying and I am seeing more teams running a single assassin in favor for another PT.

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