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A Plague of Hate


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I have never been bullied nor would I ever let anyone bully me, trust me on that, but your last sentence is absolutely ridiculous. You really think people who bully others are 100% emotionally and mentally healthy?

Not 100%, but in my experience they're usually as mentally healthy as anyone else (which is unfortunate, of course)... This is way off tangent, but the "bullying" I've seen is either misunderstood jibes, or more often, an exercise in dominance hierarchy against an easy mark in front of an easy audience. The latter is not something that should happen, but it doesn't happen because the perp has any more "issues" than anyone else (to wit, the ready audience who laughs along rather than stand up for the mark). I think I've only seen one case of bullying that stemmed from an underlying pathological condition.


Anyway, getting far afield, but I'll point out that the word is present in the OP, and, IMO, is used inappropriately.


Frankly, I'm starting to feel like I'm stuck in an endless loop with this discussion especially now, having read your opinion on what a bully is so this is the last post for me because a) I'm tired of talking about it and b) our opinions on what is constructive are completely different.

I glean from a comment you make later that you're only "stuck" because you're having fun. :p


Not only are you making excuses for them, you are probably not even realizing that I have no problem with people voicing their issues but I don't consider "You sux" an argument that holds water.

You called a whole group of people no-life loners, on no other basis than that they posted "You sux" posts. You are effectively guilty of the crime you seem to attribute to them. I'm pointing out how and why they're probably not no-life loners, any more than you or I. Calling that "making excuses" is just an attempt to deflect my argument (which I'll admit could probably have been made better).


Also, I love how I'm the one demonizing and characterizing people but "you sux" and "dead game is dead" are legitimate arguments made out of the goodness of people's hearts and with a genuine interest in the well-being of the game and how it's completely rational to be "mad" at a game.

I said they were legitimate? Born of good intentions? I don't think so... Just pointing out that people who are frustrated or angry lash out - sometimes with reasonable arguments, sometimes without. Doesn't make 'em no-life loners.


And I also love how people who spend their time paying and playing a game they don't enjoy or making posts about it being dead in blogs or youtube videos where people are enjoying it are not sad.

So one-off comments are sufficient grounds for determining the state of a person's home life? You should publish that. You'll be famous!


You don't like the game -> you suggest things and if you see no improvements in what you consider key factors to your satisfaction, you leave the game.

Ah, see, now here's the thing. Some of the OP's examples are suggestions, though made in a back-handed way. Yet you (and possibly the OP), dismiss those quotes, and the people who made them, as "sad and pathetic."


Guess who's having more fun and most importantly, whose fun does not stem from hate :)

So why bother wasting hate on "haters?"


As the author of the OP, let me ask this. Is it your stance that a person can say what they want with out ridicule?

No, I'm saying that bemoaning the "hate" of others, and then heaping on your own, is hypocritical. I'm also saying that some folks tend to get oversensitized to "hate" to the point where they can no longer make the distinction between actual, spammy, opportunistic hate vs. negative posts that contain genuine feedback.

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No, I'm saying that bemoaning the "hate" of others, and then heaping on your own, is hypocritical. I'm also saying that some folks tend to get oversensitized to "hate" to the point where they can no longer make the distinction between actual, spammy, opportunistic hate vs. negative posts that contain genuine feedback.



Again, you are clearly building a straw-man to argue against. I said in my post that "constructive criticism" is perfectly fine and is expected. I only claimed trolling as sad and pathetic. The only person who knows the intent of a comment is the commenter. If you are there to troll, I think you are sad and pathetic; if you are there to leave constructive criticism, we have no problem. Disliking people who troll is not hypocritical, unless we differ on the meaning of hypocritical.

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