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Looking for a RP group


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Hi I am fairly new to this game. I would like to play through the republic side of the game with a group, one of each character class. The four of us (or however many I can get) would each start the game as normal. The two jedis would play through their planet together, and the trooper and smuggler would play through their planet together. The two groups would meet either on the way to coruscant and play the rest of the game together.


I am not experienced at RP, but the point is to have fun in a playing together with different personalities and have fun experiencing everyone's story. So I am very flexible with the amount of RP, my only concern is letting me have enough time to explore areas, listen through all the dialogue, and play through the game, not just trying to rush to level 50.


If anyone is interested let me know. I would prefer to play as a Smuggler. I make my own schedule so I am really good playing at any time except for rare exceptions usually on the weekends. Thank you for your time!

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I also replied to your thread in the New Player Help forum, but I suppose this is a better place for the discussion now....


I'd like to try this.


I've played all the Republic classes to various levels, and enjoy them all, so wouldn't be opposed to starting yet another character and going through things with a group. Or I could just hook up with the group with one of the characters I already have on the server (most of them just around level 16 or so).


I'm guessing you'd like a standard "balanced" group setup, with at least one each of tank, healer, and dps. You say you prefer smuggler. Would that be a Gunslinger or Scoundrel? Dps or healer? Gunslinger would be strictly dps. Scoundrel could be either dps or healer.


I'd be willing to play pretty much any class, depending on the group needs.


The other big decision would be when? As in what day(s) and time(s) are you available to do this? We would need to set up a regular slot, like once a week or every other week, when everyone can play. And also commit to only playing these characters with the group.

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@Adric_the_Red Thanks! I am pretty sure I would want to be a scoundrel. I don't care as much about the DPS/Healing, and it would depend on the group needs, but I think (from my newbie mind, not sure how well it would work out in practice) it would be kind of cool to be a little of both. If there is already a DPS and a Healer, I would just back either one up by the situation. If I had to pick one or the other, I would prefer Healing I guess but again I don't care either way. Again when for me isn't as big a deal for me, as I could probably do most times (except for sometimes during the weekend). And I would be perfectly fine playing only with the group.
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My schedule is fairly open as well, though just how open varies at different times of year depending on my kids' school schedules, so I guess we'll have to see when other folks are available. But if I was forced to pick, I'd say Tuesday evenings (Pacific time zone) are probably the most open for me.


I think I might try Knight/Guardian this time, to play the tank role, unless someone else is really hot to do that.

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This sounds really fun. If you need another, count me in. I haven't played much since release and I think this would be a great way to get back into the game. I'm pretty adaptable to any role and have way too much time on my hands now days.
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We have all our players!


Ha'rugo, a Chiss Jedi Knight

Kitkin, a Human Jedi Consular

Neiko, a Cyborg Trooper

Amahd, a Human Smuggler


If anyone has any questions PM me or contact me in-game (also Amahd)


Also let me know if you want me to update information.


Can't wait to start!

Edited by markamadeo
update 4
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Just to update the thread for others who might be interested, Kitkin and Ha'rugo were contacted in game, and we have a trooper to team up with Amahd. The two Jedi completed their trials on Tython, and are at Carrick Station, awaiting the arrival of their non-Force using companions-to-be.



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Soopavillin I kind of feel bad that we already have four players. But I really want you to find your own group too. What do you want to play as? I found players faster than I expected. You should then be able to find your own group. I guess we could then start a guild or something or do operations.


So anyone who is browsing the forums, we are looking for 3 more players to start with Soopavillin. Post here or send Amadh a PM ingame...

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No worries, hope I can have the same success as you all in pairing up. I think in this scenario I am most interested in being a Consular/Sage but I am pretty open to other roles as well. If anyone is interested please post back on here, would love to start this soon!
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@Soopavillin I kind of feel bad that we already have four players. But I really want you to find your own group too. What do you want to play as? I found players faster than I expected. You should then be able to find your own group. I guess we could then start a guild or something or do operations.


So anyone who is browsing the forums, we are looking for 3 more players to start with Soopavillin. Post here or send Amadh a PM ingame...


Interested also, wondering if you already started.

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Very neat idea. I'd love to get in on something like this. Still really need to level a trooper (unsure what adv spec just yet. likely vanguard). And maybe I could get my friend on this too! I'm sure he'd love to join :)

Unsure what he'd play. Probably a sentinel. He doesn't have one of those yet.

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I'm glad to see this idea is getting some love! However I think I am going to be playing over on Ebon Hawk, nothing personal BC!

We still haven't really gotten organized yet, birthdays and family in town this weekend, but I am working on it. I am going to poach/repost this thread over on Ebon Hawk, if anyone is interested, find me there or through PMs.

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