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Looking for a guild.


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IGN name is Kevinntcg, will be on for a bit today for about another 5 hours from this post. I am a level 50 Imperial Agent with a few other alts none at a relevant level to mention. I have a subscription and have just returned to this game after a long break from it. Hoping for a guild that will help me re-learn the game and help me get up to speed with the games changes.
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The guild I'm in doesn't care if you make light/dark or neutral choices we are Gray Jedi accepting all Republic classes and in the future we'll have an Imperial side as well.

Have a look at our page that is in my sig.

Contact me or SithWarFighter by PM if your interested.

Edited by Talon_Starfire
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The guild I'm in doesn't care if you make light/dark or neutral choices we are Gray Jedi accepting all Republic classes and in the future we'll have an Imperial side as well.

Have a look at our page that is in my sig.

Contact me or SithWarFighter by PM if your interested.


Pretty sure not a single guild cares what story choices you make in game?

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Sith Order Supremacy is recruiting new players and it sounds like you are just the addition we are looking for! We are a smaller PVE oriented guild progressing through Ops weekly. We are hoping to get more people so that we can make raid nights more frequent. We have a website, http://syndicateofscallywags.enjin.com where you can register. We also have a mumble chat server so we can all talk while in-game. We have a BLAST no matter what we are doing and we love to also play other games together as well. I like to think of us as a good group of friends just having fun gaming together! Hit our website up and register if we sound like a group you would be interested in joining. Or you can hit me up in-game, my main toon's name is Booner. Hope to hear from you soon! Edited by xJOJOx
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