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Self Destruction Command


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A suggestion as a last resort option, when you are stuck but /stuck does not aid you. I encountered this phenomena with a cliff on Alderaan, /stuck would try to pull me out but I would instantly fall back into the same point of being stuck. (/kill /suicide /respawn /medcenter) For your consideration, the Self Destruction Command. Your Feedback and thoughts on this matter would be apreciated. (community and employees)
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I've found it very useful in other MMORPGs and certainly wouldn't mind seeing it here too. Luckily I have been able to get out of tricky situations similar to the one you described with a lot of patience and luck. A simple command to self-destruct and respawn, even with full regular gear damage, would be much preferable to frustration though.
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It would most definitely save time from contacting support for assistance. Although the downside of such a command is that it also can be 'abused' as alternative to your quick transport options which have a cooldown.
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It would most definitely save time from contacting support for assistance. Although the downside of such a command is that it also can be 'abused' as alternative to your quick transport options which have a cooldown.
and here I was thinking this good idea couldn't be abused, it kills you after all! A cooldown of a half hour would fix this though. A bit of a large penalty, but would fix the abuse you are talking aboutt, hopefully we are smart enough not to get infinite stuck twice within in a half hour.
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I agree a /self-destruct would be nice.


Many times, when you are glitched into an item it thinks you are "falling" or sliding on the inside of the object, so your arms are stuck out. It will tell you that you have to be still to use things like /stuck and you can't even use an "emergency" fleet pass. A self-destruct would be nice. It could have a 30 minute cooldown, or just make it not work in warzones.

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  • 2 months later...
Looking back at this post, it is unclear how nescesary the command is/was. What happened to me was a unique scenario that needed a solution, it is unclear how many times this has happened to people and how much the demand for this command is. Were it high we would have a self destruct button already.
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