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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Power vs. Crit rating


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I am a level 36 gunnery commando on Balmorra. I want to upgrade some of my gear using the commendations, but I am being offered a choice between power and critical rating. Which should I choose: the one with more power, or the one with more critical rating? Keep in mind this is blue/orange PvE gear, not PvP gear.


Thanks for your help!

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Honestly at that level, it doesn't really matter too much... had saying that, i would suggest keeping balance between all 3 for the time being as you go along.


You will have plenty of time, once you get to 50, to spend countless agonizing hours over where you will put all your stats and this will keep changing and evolving too.....


Just make sure you don't pick up equipment with the wrong stats, then don't stack too high in any one stat.

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The way I answer this choice when leveling is to check and see whether my skill tree choices have activations that depend on crit. If you have crit based skills, then go full hog on crit, if not, all power. You aren't going to reach diminishing returns during leveling, so I don't think keeping a balance matters.
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The way I answer this choice when leveling is to check and see whether my skill tree choices have activations that depend on crit. If you have crit based skills, then go full hog on crit, if not, all power. You aren't going to reach diminishing returns during leveling, so I don't think keeping a balance matters.


Sweet thanks for the advice :D

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