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Looking for a guild


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I am a regular player. mature, loves to goof off when appropriate. i have both empire and rep toons. looking mostly for a empire guild, their toons seem to be more fun. been playing MMO's for a while, swg, vanguard. looking to learn about pvp. did it some in swg, havent tried it here since the highest toon is only 27. any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!
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Hey Cireut,


WRIS is an imperial guild of adult casual players. We are mostly PvE but, if you're willing to be patient, we are wanting to start a PvP grp down the road. Right now our focus is on end game content such as HM FPs, raids, and running dailies.


The sub level 50 "guild experience" consists on advice, support, access to a guild bank, and repair funds. We do have sub level 50 members and alts (I'm leveling a lvl 37 operative and lvl 17 assassin) but, realistically, sub level 50 is a mostly solo experience.


We are most active in the evenings (7pm CST - 12am CST) with guild nights on Tuesday and Saturday evenings. We also do raids on Tuesday and are actively looking to expand that an additional day.


If you are interested you can contact me (see sig) as well as our guild leader (Sorcero / Grimowl / Count-Burkley).


Good luck!

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I will add we have a republic guild we just started for our alts (and have recruited a full-time pub player to head things up). Additionally, we have a ventrillo server as well as a guild website to facilitate guild activities.
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