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Bag and Cargo Hold Sorting


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if i were asked to come up with a list of sorting features for bags and banks this is what i would come up with...in 5 minutes:


consumables: sorted by type and from lowest quantity to highest quantity per item

materials: sorted by crew skill, in order of grade and from lowest quantity to highest quantity per item

weapons: sorted by type, in order of rating

armor: sorted by type, in order of rating with the option to keep 'sets' together


the ability to sort each bag and cargo bay separately but it not quite as important as what's above.


to properly address bag sorting you should've hired someone that is clinically OCD like myself but instead, you decided to half @ss it with ideas from someone who doesn't even play the game. whatever need to be done to do this correctly, i would've made sure was done before it was released...a year into the games life.


i love when the community does the game developer's job for them, eh? they're a professional game developer so replies that have any references to how difficult or time consuming coding a video game is are completely moot.

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I managed to sort my PvP gear all over the place so the feature is rather annoying. Sort by level, rating, expertise, main stat, usable/not usable and other things like crafting, mission, schematic, consumable, cartel item would actually be useful.


The current options don't seem to have any purpose. Value is all over the place and so is quality and quantity. It just is a good way to mess up your inventory as it is now.

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I'd like to see an preference option to hide the sort drop down or a "undo sort" option.


Accidentally sorting five cargo bays that you have carefully laid out in some uniquely meaningful way into one of BioWare's arbitrary sort orders is going to result in some entirely unnecessary frustration. They can easily fix it now and avoid the issue entirely.

Edited by Sunjammer
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I'd like to see an preference option to hide the sort drop down or a "undo sort" option.


Accidentally sorting five cargo bays that you have carefully laid out in some uniquely meaningful way into one of BioWare's arbitrary sort orders is going to result in some entirely unnecessary frustration. They can easily fix it now and avoid the issue entirely.

I was thinking of testing this feature, but sorting cargo bay sorts ALL cargo bays at once instead of only the bay you're currently viewing? Maybe I better not test it then..


My current system? Usually something like this:

Bay 1: Character Equipment (Collecting old outfits)

Bay 2: Crafting Materials

Bay 3: Companion Gear for my favourite companion

Bay 4: Gear for the other companions and companion gifts

Bay 5: Cartel Store garbage that I can't be bothered to sell on GTN, but which isn't vendorable either (dozens of vehicles here!)


And I REALLY wouldn't want to sort all that out again..

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I agree with OP.

It's great that we finally got this simple tool. It took them over a year for something that is a standard in any database UI, but it's at least here. I was positively surprised when I saw it and disappointed when I saw options we have with it.

Imo, the one that was burdened with making this change did it with without much thought or consideration. The most important sorting a crafter can have is sorting by crew skill. And furthermore by level and quality of the item. Sort that differentiates between materials and items.

It should also have an option to sort over all cargo bays or just one.


Right now, the only useful option to me is the one that groups everything together. And even that is something that always looks different. Just try using it several times in a row. But that is not a big problem.

Lacking true useful sort options is and I truly don't understand how a software developer which is using similar tools in many aspects of his work can be so careless and do such a half-assed work.


I can understand there may be someone who has a use for it so I will ask them: Why would I need to sort my entire inventory by number of items. In what case is that useful? It just separates those stacks of the same material (or anything else that is in several stacks) I had manually sorted.

Even "sort by quality" does not take into account the type of an item.


This is an option that was badly needed, but it was designed very poorly.

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Sorting preferences are very different from person to person, and throwing it all in one single interface would create a very, very messy situation. There'd just be so many paramaters to choose from, it doesn't become easy to use for the average player.


Personally, that's why I dislike the fact that this game still has no addon support. As those could greatly be used for alternative inventory management, with mods dedication to their own thing. Rather than throwing every possible inventory mod into one.

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