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Can somebody honestly tell me that they know for sure that they never play with premades. To all of you pugs who complain. How do u determine if you are playing with premades or pugs. I play with friends who don't have the same guild tag as me all the time. We are a premade, but you don't know that. NOBODY HAS EVER ASKED ME IN A MATCH WHEN I'M WITH MY BUDDIES WHO ARE NOT GUILDYS IF WE ARE A PREMADE.


Do you go and ask everyone if they are grouped or not.


Some guilds are zerg guilds and have 50 players online. Those guilds don't even know all the players they have in there own guild. They might've happen to que and been on the same team and not even know eachother.


So for all the pugs how do you determine premade or not. Of course the obvious ones are guild tags, but even with guild tags you don't know for sure.

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