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My ideas for Merc/Mando


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Thanks for that clarification on the CGC slow Perinn, I'll have to take a look at that next time.


And yeah, we can't cleanse jugger slows because it is a force ability. But, if you're up against an annihilation marauder, you can cleanse the slow attached to Rupture (one if their bleeds) due to it being a physical slow/dot.

Edited by mandoforlife
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[*]Reduce heat/ammo cost of missile blast/explosive round and give it a high % chance to proc plasma cell.

No, just no. The reason PT's can spam Flame Burst and still remain fairly "balanced" is because it has a 10m range. An instant 30m spammable aoe with relatively low recource cost is just too much no matter the sad state of mercs atm.

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You can't cleanse what... Inquisitor slows... Boo Hoo?




And Missile blast, rapid shots, explosive dart, rail shot, are all untalented instant abilities. Don't say you can't kite or you can't put out damage to kite with because with pyro you can use all those things and have a snare to keep distance. Biggest problem? You run out of steal too fast and end up with 0 way to escape after all your crappy cool downs are blown.


You're doing it again. Do you even HAVE a merc/commando?

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1. i never played WoW so have no idea what freeze traps, frost traps and ice blocking is.

2. i would like a AOE snare

3. i would like a drop-and-forget AOE damage skill (similar to Snipers Plasma Probe)


but what do those things do to solve the core problems with Merc? nothing.


cool shiny new abilities are great, but if they do not address the key issues of the class (no mobility, no interrupt/CC immunities, etc) then they really are not worth pursuing.


get Merc/Mando to a point where it is able to put out damage at the same level as Snipers even, and then we can talk about adding in cool new utility abilities.



you clearly do not understand the core issues with Merc/Mando, which is why i have no idea why you continue to come into these threads and offer your ideas. do you see me going into Mara threads and suggesting changes? no, cuz i have no idea how to play the class at a high level



Actually real utility is a huge problem for commando. It's why, even if they fixed it so we could get damage out under fire we'd still be playing second fiddle in ranked because of the old question: Why would you bring us over someone else? Our damage, even if fixed is still backloaded middle of the road burst in Gunnery. In assault its frontloaded, but we can't sustain it in a PVP environment.


But either you have the best burst in the game or you don't. If you do then you can justify a spot on a ranked team based on that alone (hi2u Assault VG). If you don't then you definitely need some sort of team utility that justifies bringing you along. Combat Sents would be brought even if their damage was middle of the road because Combat Transcendence is basically required in ranked for node transitioning. Sages now have a ranked spot guaranteed just because they have bubble stuns.


Traps like that, properly used, would allow us to bring amazing team utility AND get damage out. Dude leaps into your stun trap. Thanks for the free damage. An aoe mez would be a difference maker in Voidstar and Huttball. If you aren't using those things offensively you're not doing it right. I've been sitting here for 2 minutes and I can already think of TONS of very very nasty applications. In Voidstar alone the team with the commando would win.


You guys definitely not giving this idea due merit.

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As pyro, we don't have any promise of a snare. We have a chance for it, but it's not like it's on demand or anything. Plus, its only a 30% slow, for 2 seconds I believe. Nothing impressive, but I'll take what I can get. Also, missle blast? Sure, you can use that if you want to wreck your heat control.


And its not just inquisitor slows. There are several other slows we cant cleanse, such as the juggernaut's slow. I'd suggest you try learning a bit more about the advanced class before you start claiming things.


No you don't have any good promise of a snare that's why when kiting your'e spamming rapid shots so much. usually while I'm kiting i'll spam rapid shots till the proc then missile blast, if rail shot is up I will rail shot, then i'll keep popping of rapid shots till another snare and if Unload is up i'll let the first hit of that pop off as it's the only one that resets rail shot.


You don't want to spam missile blast and over heat but use it to keep up damage and put pressure on the target so that he knows that if he doesn't close the gap he's dead.


And crap I forgot about chilling scream and went with it was a physical because so Is marauders. This one. Should be cleansed too.

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You're doing it again. Do you even HAVE a merc/commando?


Yes I so sir and even if I didn't I know these things would help a merc/mando in both a pvp and pve setting.



Have a list of things that merc/mando should have stolen from the WoW Hunter. If not all of them then a good majority of them.


Snake trap

-When triggered, releases ~14 Venomous Snakes and Vipers with around 125 health. These snakes afflict the following debuffs:


Crippling Poison - Reduces movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds

Mind-numbing Poison - Reduces cast speed by 30% for 12 seconds

Deadly Poison - Deals nature damage every 2 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.


Ice Trap.


Freezing trap


Explosive Trap


Last time I played WoW on my Hunter if I remember correctly, back in TBC, the two frost traps shared a cool down and the snake trap and explosive trap could be casted on their own.


Click all these links and read the abilities for the traps.



Also last thing merc should get is some form of this: Disengage! Make it a cool rocket pack ability dammit!

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