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Repetetive races


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I wanted to ask, if you have more characters of one race. Because I'm about to make a sorcerer and i really like BT2 human.


Thing is I already have BT3 human Juggernaut and Zabrak ( is quite similar to human) sentinel.


So I keep thinking, whether i won't regret choosing another human alike race, if rattattaki or pureblood wouldn't be better for the sorc.


Thanks for opinions.

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Choose whatever you want to choose. If you like it, you like it. You don't want to be down the road and level 45 before you realize you hate your character.


I have 8 characters right now. One male human, one male Pureblood, one male Miralian, one male Zabrak, two male Chiss and two female humans. Play what you like.

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finding that image, I had a laugh at this:



Playable Races


Human - Just another common race everybody picks like all other MMORPGs.

Human with tentacles - All guys play as female Twi'leks to erotic role play.

Human with horns - Bunch of Darth Maul clones. Regular skin if Republic, red skin if Empire.

Robot Human - Humans with cyborg implants. Nothing new. Moving on.

Blind Human - Humans born with blindfolds instead of eyes.

Green Human - Green skinned tattoo looking humans.

Red Human - Red ugly sith humans with droopy looking skins on their face.

Blue Human - Blue skinned people that look like they came from Willy Wonka's factory.

Emo Human - Bald and gothic looking emos.

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Choose whatever you want to choose. If you like it, you like it. You don't want to be down the road and level 45 before you realize you hate your character.


I have 8 characters right now. One male human, one male Pureblood, one male Miralian, one male Zabrak, two male Chiss and two female humans. Play what you like.


What I love about the Chiss (Imperial) is that when you get to Hoth and speak to other Chiss, you can speak to them more openly and iirc, with most you can learn their actual name

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