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Forum user update, link account legacy level


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I just respect a 50 legacy person's opinion of the game more than a lowbie who just arrived to Korriban... It would be nice to see a forum update also just in general.


This update would mainly help with PvP and PvE forums, where fresh 50s seem to think the game is so unbalanced/overtuned, I think once you played past legacy 15 or so you have a much deeper understanding of the game works. Everyone I know 20+ legacy have very few complaints about the game pvp balance/overturned ops, because they have a few toons and understand more than just one specific class/role.


On a side note it would be cool to link highest valor attained for the pvp thread.

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Personally I would like if they'd handle it the way Blizzard has done it, link forum accounts to a sort of armory like system. However, keep in mind that it would end up still being a very bad way of filtering out genuine low levels from people simply creating alt accounts for forum usage as they don't seek to post with their ingame character names associated.
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