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Snipe and Ambush Ability Delay


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Hey, I always see people talking about ability delay on the forums, but never really noticed it myself. However, I just made my new sniper and love the class but snipe and ambush appear to have severe delay. The cast bar goes, and when you would expect it to fire, it fires like a half of a second later. Is this a known issue or am I the only one?
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Hey, I always see people talking about ability delay on the forums, but never really noticed it myself. However, I just made my new sniper and love the class but snipe and ambush appear to have severe delay. The cast bar goes, and when you would expect it to fire, it fires like a half of a second later. Is this a known issue or am I the only one?


It's known since the beginning, but it doesn't seem to bother people. Myself I'm not bothered.


As a proof it's known since ages, I'd like to remember you (if you were playing then) that Snipers got a fix which made Explosive Probe to be applied at the end of it's own GCD, like the Gunslinger equivalent, because when it was applied at the begginning of it's own GCD, it allowed that it was applied before a previuosly casted Ambush's landing, resulting in a big burst without the prepartion time and warning it should be.

Edited by Altheran
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It's known since the beginning, but it doesn't seem to bother people. Myself I'm not bothered.


As a proof it's known since ages, I'd like to remember you (if you were playing then) that Snipers got a fix which made Explosive Probe to be applied at the end of it's own GCD, like the Gunslinger equivalent, because when it was applied at the begginning of it's own GCD, it allowed that it was applied before a previuosly casted Ambush's landing, resulting in a big burst without the prepartion time and warning it should be.


At least the delay is consistent so it really wouldnt be delay if they just updated the cast bar. Just a bit of a pet peeve but its really no big deal.

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When I notice this (and discount latency issues) it typically is nothing more than a disconnect between animations and function. At it's worse I barely see the cast bar or animation yet the attack still fires off. Usually this is good news as I would rather have the ability work than animations sync if there is to be a bug vs the function being broken.


I actually have a far greater issue with my operative when spec'd concealment. When I use acid blade (which is off gcd) and then backstab, backstab often will simply not even go off. This can occur over several gcds and is extremely frustration. There seems to be an issue with some powers off the gcd.

Edited by Tamanous
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