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Unbelievable...transfers post poned again?


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It's shocking to me that I have waited for you; as a loyal customer; through the dead servers, forced consolidations all with the thought that "they will do the right thing". Is it my fault that servers died and since no information was given that there were plans to consolidate I rerolled so I could keep enjoying the game? Isn't that what you'd want me to do?


Now I have a tank and healer that I could contribute with the guild I'm in sitting on a server I don't play anymore and I'm going to have to wait until the end of the year (assuming your "goals" don't change again) to transfer them so I can use them?


I'm disgusted, disappointed and frustrated by your decision....with how lackluster the Makeb expansion appears and continued delayed and/or broken promises I'm not sure how much more I can take.

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Yea... I've got a Rakata Shadow and BH/Columi Trooper rotting on POT5 as I no longer play there anymore and it's disappointing. Right before this last patch IIRC they said the transfers would be coming with the next patch(1.7) and now that they're talking about 1.7 it's "later"? Seriously?



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I think EA's just being lazy as hell. They already transferred a crap ton of people off my server - Jung Ma - after the initial transfers at their request because they went from a west coast to an east coast - and they transferred them again very quickly. Clearly, it isn't hard to set up a so-called "destination server" for them, it just takes a bit of effort. EA's just lazy. I asked them why I couldn't get a transfer and these people could for lag, and after asking EA for answers four separate times in the trouble tickets, I finally got ahold of a manager on the fifth time on an in-game chat. After he refused to tell me anything, including why I couldn't get a voluntary transfer and other people could so long as they said "lag," he said it would be a breach of their internal security to tell me or some such nonsense - then he threatened to ban my account if I kept asking.


EA is crap man. They won't offer transfers now that they're roping in F2P players.

Edited by LoneRegulator
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I too would like to move my operative to where my other toons are . When is that going to be available . I have been waiting and if they want to make money they should charge for it . Like wow does 25.00 . I dont care i would like to have my toons together. Other wise it just sits. because i dont feel like playing on that server and in that guild i am in . I prefer the guild my majority of my toons are in . Please put in transfers and soon has been over half a year and still no transfers. When you did it the first time I should have been given the option. Thank you
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I think EA's just being lazy as hell. They already transferred a crap ton of people off my server - Jung Ma - after the initial transfers at their request because they went from a west coast to an east coast - and they transferred them again very quickly. Clearly, it isn't hard to set up a so-called "destination server" for them, it just takes a bit of effort. EA's just lazy. I asked them why I couldn't get a transfer and these people could for lag, and after asking EA for answers four separate times in the trouble tickets, I finally got ahold of a manager on the fifth time on an in-game chat. After he refused to tell me anything, including why I couldn't get a voluntary transfer and other people could so long as they said "lag," he said it would be a breach of their internal security to tell me or some such nonsense .


Yeah, company decision making isn't something some CSR manager is going to explain to you or anyone. It's over their heads and not the sort thing companies of any sort tend to share.


And just because something has been done doesn't mean that it's easy to do. Nevermind that it's been just around three months since F2P which is hardly enough time to make any real decisions from a business perspective. Especially not around the holidays as some people surely got the game as a gift.


Honestly, BW's reasoning is NOT that hard to understand. I'm baffled as to why so many people don't get it.

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Transfers thus far weren't flawless, even with everybody transfering friend lists were wiped, guild lists were wiped, mail inboxes were cleared, etc. Character slots got messed up as well, as such I was on 9/8 till the amount of maximum slots was increased till 12.


That's probably things they're going to be addressing.


Guilds and friend lists wiping may be addressed based on specific design decisions, for example by introducing cross-server friending and guild transfer options.


Whereas mail boxes getting cleared, character slots messing up, etc might be something to be addressed seperately.


Beyond that, thus far transfers have always occured with full gear, full credits, etc. However, for future transfers they may still need to look into what is the best middleground between being fair to the transfering player, and not unifying a single server's progression and economy too much with the destination server. As not everybody will find it acceptable if at first they were the top-end guild on their server for example to just see another guild hop in to instantly take their place; only leaving the other server as there they couldn't make their realm firsts and such.


Pricing will be another thing of course to be discussed, and something which may take time and evaluation of the current F2P market along.


Furthermore there's also the problem of whether to allow all destination servers or not. Many people tend to head for the busy servers when transfering, whilst those servers are already hitting full at times. Is it fair for the players already on those servers, to suddenly get an even greater influx of players and risking queue times during peaktime? EA/BioWare may first be looking into perhaps extending server populations even further prior to opening up such transfers.

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Because I'm sure they've been sitting around in the lounge saying, "Here's something people have been begging for and it's something we can do to get money from them, but instead, let's ignore that potential revenue stream and go have a beer."


The fact is that games like this are insanely complex and if character transfers were that easy, they'd have done them by now.

Yes, they can move characters en masse.

Yes, they can manually move single characters.


But their system needs to be able to 1) do it on demand when the player requests it, 2) probably offer different tiers of transfer such as with and without gear, 3) perform the transfer without corrupting character data, and 4) charge you money for it.

And probably most important of all, 5) Customer Service needs the tools for tracking it and fixing it when something goes wrong so they can help you.


Even if their technology currently allows for each one of those steps, it's clear that they don't have them working together in a unified system yet.

Their upcoming copy to PTS effort will be the trial run for it because they can work on it without destroying the live character data.

Once that works, then they'll start offering it for the live service.

Edited by Rankyn
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It's shocking to me that I have waited for you; as a loyal customer; through the dead servers, forced consolidations all with the thought that "they will do the right thing". Is it my fault that servers died and since no information was given that there were plans to consolidate I rerolled so I could keep enjoying the game? Isn't that what you'd want me to do?


Now I have a tank and healer that I could contribute with the guild I'm in sitting on a server I don't play anymore and I'm going to have to wait until the end of the year (assuming your "goals" don't change again) to transfer them so I can use them?


I'm disgusted, disappointed and frustrated by your decision....with how lackluster the Makeb expansion appears and continued delayed and/or broken promises I'm not sure how much more I can take.


SGRs were more important.

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Was that in Hickman's article ? Please point me to the source.


They have been promising paid server transfers since April/May when the servers started dying. I was patient, despite their delaying-tactics and lies like "Soon", "high priority"...etc...but this is probably too much.


*** is wrong with this company and it's people ?

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To all of you who are making excuses for them not having transfers, that is all well good and fine. I want to here what Bioware/EA has to say about it. I want them to tell us why. How hard is that. I don't believe it is difficult. I work in a software company (non-gaming). I know how things work. It's all crap. I know developers who could go home and come back the next morning with the whole thing implemented. Obviously they wouldn't just put the code in and ship it but seriously, the code for it could be done in 1 day. They already have the software to move players. They already have software to charge customers money and cartel coins.

Either they make a link in the website to make the transfer, you give them a credit card and you are done. Or they make a UI change to the cartel market to do it in-game.


If I have to wait up to a year more, just tell me why. Leaving me in the dark just makes me mad.

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This just goes to show you how screwed up this game is. I don't know if it's the Hero Engine or just plain incompetence.


Guild Wars 2 was released with a transfer tool and you were encouraged to use it for FREE for the first two weeks, as often as you wanted. I was able to transfer between servers many times until I found one with the community I liked.


How a game is released with no transfer tool at launch is unbelievable. That's not the only thing this game was missing at launch. Many of these things are considered BASIC FEATURES. That's why I'm leaning towards incompetence as opposed to the Hero Engine being at fault.

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This just goes to show you how screwed up this game is. I don't know if it's the Hero Engine or just plain incompetence.


Guild Wars 2 was released with a transfer tool and you were encouraged to use it for FREE for the first two weeks, as often as you wanted. I was able to transfer between servers many times until I found one with the community I liked.


How a game is released with no transfer tool at launch is unbelievable. That's not the only thing this game was missing at launch. Many of these things are considered BASIC FEATURES. That's why I'm leaning towards incompetence as opposed to the Hero Engine being at fault.


It's the priorities that are messed up. A tiny portion of the playerbase was pandered to and SGRs are making it to the game soon. An entire continent of fans just get to do without transfers. All available resources should have been put toward fixing these HUGE issues before a single minute was spent on something as trivial as SGRs.

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It's the priorities that are messed up. A tiny portion of the playerbase was pandered to and SGRs are making it to the game soon. An entire continent of fans just get to do without transfers. All available resources should have been put toward fixing these HUGE issues before a single minute was spent on something as trivial as SGRs.


This is certainly part of it too. Essentially, they are wasting time for, what? A couple of stupid cut scenes? I'd rather that they leave romance out altogether and spend the time on things that effect actual gameplay.

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They are rather catering to the handful of weirdos who want Swtor to be their sex-simulator, where they can dream about Twilek chicks making out while writing their embarassing fan-fiction. They are going to put a ton of hours into re-writing the romance options just so that people have a conversation like:




* (Make out)


...screen goes dark.


I think the whole reason behind this is greed. Some soulless marketing suit at EA probably thinks that they make more money by nailing players to their servers, so that they need to re-roll if they ever want to get all classes consolidated.


Regarding incompetence: Bioware-Austin is for the most part an EA clone which had the Bioware tag slapped on to trick customers. Except for the 2 doctors (who have quit Bioware months ago) the majority of the studio consists of refugees from SOE-Austin and Mythic Entertainment (remember the mess that SWG and Warhammer were). Jeff Hickman started as the head of customers service during the Dark Age of Camelot days and somehow gets to call himself a producer now, probably by being the cheapest option for EA and being a good yes-man.


I seriously hope that none of the people behind this game ever make an mmo again. Unfortunately Rich Vogel (who was responsible for the NGE in SWG which broke the game's back) and who was executive producer for Swtor already found new employment with Battlecry Studios (a sub-division of Bethesda), remind me not to buy their games.


To sum it up: the rejects and failures of past mmo projects somehow managed to become the lead designers for the biggest budget mmo in gaming history and then brought all their old buddies onboard. Those who were not affiliated with this core group only got temporary contracts and the results show the lack of character, the lack of talent and their contempt for their own playerbase as well as for the Kotor and Star Wars franchise.

Edited by HammersteinSW
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I wish I knew.

This, and the recent announcement of SGRAs in Makeb just make me think a chimp is in charge of that studio.

What idiot put SGRAs above transfers. Like seriously.


Well, let's just say; they listened to the community. SGR have been a more highly demanded topic than server transfers over the past year. So you should have done a better job in flooding the forums with server transfer requests I'm afraid.

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Guess what? Its buggy right now and they're testing it. Chill out.


It took 6 months of Alpha testing, 6 months of beta testing and 12 months of live testing to work out its buggy right now?


Do you get the issue yet?

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Transfers thus far weren't flawless, even with everybody transfering friend lists were wiped, guild lists were wiped, mail inboxes were cleared, etc. .


Uhm..... friend and guild lists were wiped because....get ready.....You Transferred To Different Server!!



Furthermore there's also the problem of whether to allow all destination servers or not. Many people tend to head for the busy servers when transfering, whilst those servers are already hitting full at times. Is it fair for the players already on those servers, to suddenly get an even greater influx of players and risking queue times during peaktime? EA/BioWare may first be looking into perhaps extending server populations even further prior to opening up such transfers.




Reading through nearly every character transfer thread, most players want to unify their Legacy. This does not affect server populations.

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Well, let's just say; they listened to the community. SGR have been a more highly demanded topic than server transfers over the past year. So you should have done a better job in flooding the forums with server transfer requests I'm afraid.


Try doing a forum search with keyword SGR, then another search using Transfer.

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