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Give Marauders a fury based self heal.


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I'd even settle for an out of combat self heal that heals you for X amount per fury point you have. Makes running anyone but Malavai Quinn while soloing a bit more viable.


My 10 cents. Feel free to modify or improve on the idea.

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If you're out of combat your recovery skill is usable...


yeah but you have to stop and wait for a bit, i just find it annoying, so often i have left over fury points that slowly tick away between mobs or objectives anyway, a self heal would be a good fury dump and i could keep moving

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I'd even settle for an out of combat self heal that heals you for X amount per fury point you have. Makes running anyone but Malavai Quinn while soloing a bit more viable.


My 10 cents. Feel free to modify or improve on the idea.


Well...this may seem like a nifty idea for leveling.


But...this would be bad for PvP (Mara's are already considered OP). Having the ability to dump the Fury stacks you have built up to give yourself significantly would be OP. I'm assuming your "X amount per fury point" is significant or there would be no point in replacing it with your out of combat heal.


I also solo lvl and do dailies Quinn-less all the time and have no issues.

Edited by stuffystuffs
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I just don't understand why so many people feel they have to use a healer pet to level. Take a DPS pet out (Vette for ranged or Jaesa for melee, or HK51 if unlocked), equip her(it) well in level appropriate blues/purples/oranges, and clobber stuff before it gets a chance to inflict enough damage to require excessive healing. More healing isn't really needed, if you are that desperate for more, play full anni spec.
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