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Pvp min/maxing for Carnage Marauder


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Hi guys. First off, i saw a similar thread posted on this forum, however i didnt find/understand excatly what was being said due to constant changes in conversation between different specs. I'd therefore hope this post wont get deleted, and will remain focused on Carnage Marauders only. I believe this will make it alot easier to get an impression of what the community feel is best the Carnage spec, for other people wondering about the same as me :)


Today, i got my last War Hero piece. I have helm, hands, legs and boots from vindicator set + the vindicator lightsabers, and rest is weaponsmaster. I used to be full Battlemaster, but took a break and after ive come back ive spendt all in-game time doing minis to get fully WHgeared. I used annihilation and rage specs while farming my BM gear, but felt the need for a change now, so i tried out a Carnage spec i put together and i really loved it.


Now with all my WH pieces in place its time to go for EWH, and im wondering which pieces to get first, and when i should start remodding pieces. Should i do it right away or should i get full EWH then start remodding? And WHICH EWH piece do i use for min/maxing. I was thinking of going for power/surge as ravage hits like a truck anyways and force scream is autocrit. What do you guys think? All answers highly appriciated :)



Which Elite War Hero piece should i buy first as a 4piece vindicator-bonus, carnage marauder?

Should i start min/max remodding right away or should i get full EWH and then start remodding?

Which gear-purchases will be most profitable, eg: is there any vindicator pieces that has the optimal stats?

Is 20%'ish crit enough and viable for Carnage spec?

Which Elite War Hero piece is best (cheapest) to use for remodding mods+enhancements for optimal power/surge?


Again, thanks :)

Edited by aazii
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Contrary to popular belief on these forums (a few guides, builds etc), for pvp i think that some crit chance is quite important for carnage you want at least 30% buffed. There is more abilitys then force scream and having those crit more while having your force scream hit a tiny bit less (you might lose like 500 dmg at most on your screams by replacing 200 power with 200 crit) it is worth it since that is more dps. I mean i have like 31% crit chance buffed and in carnage my screams hit on average for 4.5-5k then if i jump on any external expertise boosts/bloodthirst on wzs ti'll quite often get 5.8k-6k on GEARED players.


The main burst for the spec is gore buffed ravage (bit of a stun me button but whatever use when you don't think they wil stun you) into scream or gore buffed massacre spam (with berserk when its up ideally) into scream both massacre/ravage need some crit chance to get maximum burst. Massacre when it crits under gore hits for like 3.5k when geared you wanna have more crit chance because of this 3 of these hitting (and CRITTING) in a row with berserk is like 10k dmg.


Carnage is not smash spec and should not be geared as such if you are gonna stack only power for a auto crit ability it makes the spec look even more useless then it already does compared to smash (as OP and boring that it is to play yes) since scream hits nowhere near as hard as smash even with a full power build and its only single target you need some crit chance for the other ability's to get maximum effectiveness out of the specs burst.


Just my opinion on the matter take it with a grain of salt.


TLDR you won't get as high "ZOMG BIG HITZ" with force scream by having some crit but having some crit so your other ability's crit more will improve your overall burst

Edited by AngusFTW
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okei, seems to make sense really.. im really new to the carnage spec as ive said and really dont know to much about it, but i should go for 30%ish crit then, and after that stack the power/surge?

what about expertise btw? would 41 pow or 41 expertise crystals be preferred? :)

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Dont buy a single piece of EWH gear until you are fully min maxxed with regular WH gear. The difference in gear is so small and the time required to go full min max EWH is significant.


For rage fully buffed you should have about 675 Bonus damage in full min maxxed WH gear, with around 1208 expertise using both power crystals. For Carnage drop that 20-30 points and pick up some crit, you also need to stack some accuracy unlike rage, so swap out some Surge / Power Enhancements for Accuracy / Power.

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Dont buy a single piece of EWH gear until you are fully min maxxed with regular WH gear. The difference in gear is so small and the time required to go full min max EWH is significant.


For rage fully buffed you should have about 675 Bonus damage in full min maxxed WH gear, with around 1208 expertise using both power crystals. For Carnage drop that 20-30 points and pick up some crit, you also need to stack some accuracy unlike rage, so swap out some Surge / Power Enhancements for Accuracy / Power.



Where should your numbers be at ideally; Rage is simply power, and surge... and i thought Min/Maxed rage would convert over. (I have had 6k + crits on my mara with surge, and power) but I felt like I was missing something boosted my crit up to 28% buffed today, and noticed my massacre hitting for 2k, as well as my ravage criting a bit higher but for my scream I wasn't so convinced. (I have to hunt sages for my 5k) Well here is my opinion on this. Carnage is reliant on the scream, and the scream is where most of your burst comes from so why not stack power for the insane crit?


I'm not an expert on theory crafting... I'm simply commenting to be educated.



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