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[Feature Request] Better quest giver identification


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I'd like to suggest that the quest givers (Heroic & Flashpoint ) are given a separate or easier means of identification other than the default yellow quest icon that is currently given to all quest NPC's, this would make it (IMO) easier for a player to tell who does what rather than having to spend time going through the dialogue and discovering at the end that the quest is a heroic or flashpoint mission (This would be for people who don't want to do heroics or flashpoints but still want to do normal quests).


Please feel free to tack your thoughts below, however keep it constructive and don't ramble on inanely.

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I get what the OP is saying. You can spacebar through the convo, but if you dont want to do heroics at all it would be nice to have a different indicator over the npc's head to let someone know that said npc gives heroics. that way you can avoid them if you just want to do normal side quests
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I get what the OP is saying. You can space-bar through the convo, but if you don't want to do heroics at all it would be nice to have a different indicator over the npc's head to let someone know that said npc gives heroics. that way you can avoid them if you just want to do normal side quests


Yes, this is exactly what I am talking about. For those of us who only find out AFTER the dialogue that the NPC is a heroic/FP quest giver. This would help a player identify straight away if the NPC was a regular quest giver or a group quest giver

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In addition, another colored icon to help players identify which heroics they've done before.


This could be integrated into the original NPC's icon, for example when the quest is turned in the NPC's icon remains an alternate colour ( I believe it does this already for mainline quests)

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  • 1 month later...
In addition, another colored icon to help players identify which heroices they've done before.


I prefer this idea the most. It's hard to keep track of what missions I've done. I see a quest option on the map and speed over there, only to find it was a Heroic I did last week. Dang it.


Regular new Heroics are fine though. I collect them in my quests until someone advertises it in General Chat or I wait until I'm done with the planet and see if anyone wants to do them. If not, I'll just abandon them ha. Flashpoints however should also be a different color since Flashpoints involve us leaving the planet. However, usually a flashpoint giver is standing next to a shuttle and I can put 2 and 2 together.

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I'd like to suggest that the quest givers (Heroic & Flashpoint ) are given a separate or easier means of identification other than the default yellow quest icon that is currently given to all quest NPC's, this would make it (IMO) easier for a player to tell who does what rather than having to spend time going through the dialogue and discovering at the end that the quest is a heroic or flashpoint mission (This would be for people who don't want to do heroics or flashpoints but still want to do normal quests).


Please feel free to tack your thoughts below, however keep it constructive and don't ramble on inanely.


Er.....mission clear states Heroic 2+ or 4.Cant get any simpler than that.You do have to READ the first line of the box...

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  • 1 month later...
Er.....mission clear states Heroic 2+ or 4.Cant get any simpler than that.You do have to READ the first line of the box...


When I started this topic there was no such identificaiton from a QG until you had accepted the quest

This was the reason that I suggested having HQG's and the like a different icon so that people could tell at a glance just from the icon over their head whether the NPC was a SQG or HQG & above...



QG = Quest Giver

HQG = Herioc Quest Giver

SQG = Solo Quest Giver

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I would like to see all quest giver marked more clearly to be honest. I like having nameplates on for everything, and the friendly NPC nameplate hides the current marker.

Suggestion move the symbols up higher, make them brighter, and color code them.

Yellow: standard quest

Orange: heroics

Purple: OPs

Class quests are hard to miss.....

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