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Rotation for Watcham (I just resubscribe)


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Whilst in Juyo form you are stacking DoTs on your target with overload saber. So then is it not better to hit cauterize AFTER you apply all three stacks of OS to your target and THEN use cauterize?


Sort of off-topic but along the lines of the OP. Best time to use zen? Bfore or after cauterize?

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Cauterize and Overload Sabers can work at the same time. Plus, when you use Merciless Slash after Cauterize and have the skill points in Mind Sear you can reset Cauterize. You should have plenty of burn time on Cauterize to pop Zen before or after.
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The overall mechanic of the Watchman hasn't changed much since launch, just some minor tweaks to the numbers. Love your DoTs and always keep them on CD. Otherwise what other people have said is correct. Edited by ShadowTech
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