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Trading Items between Characters


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Hi like the title says I would like some system that allows us to trade between our characters in our legacy or server.


I don't think that I am the only one who wants this, I have had several circumstance where I thought that this item or schematic would be useful for my other character since my current one can't use it.


If a system for this is already in place please tell me. :)

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Thanks for the info. :D


I didn't know that you could email items between characters, I just transferred a few items between my characters. :o


Well at least I now know that there is a system that can transfer items between my characters.


Thanks for the help.


Edited by Fadeseeker
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You can for almost everything (except some CM gear), but they could do a TON to make it easier. Don't understand why they make it so painful. As someone else said give us a Legacy Cargo Hold or just make everything bind on Legacy at least (none of this bind on character trash)
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  • 7 months later...
Ok, we all know by now that you can trade between characters. My question is - I have for example 100 items and one of my characters needs 30 of the item for crafting. How do you send 30 out of the 100 without having to send all of the 100? Most games I've played lets you choose how many of the item to send without sending everything. If you can't seperate or choose how many items to send, I guess you have to send all and when he uses the 30 send them back which is really a lame way of doing it lol.
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