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I just dont understand!


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Why did bio add the whole set of elite warhero gear if they are gona come out with an expansion soon that will allow us to level to 55? I mean about time most people get the whole set of elite warhero gear we will have to level and then get a new set of gear. Some of us have a day job!
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Why did bio add the whole set of elite warhero gear if they are gona come out with an expansion soon that will allow us to level to 55? I mean about time most people get the whole set of elite warhero gear we will have to level and then get a new set of gear. Some of us have a day job!


To keep you playing? Because people tend to complain they "complete" MMO's too fast?

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my point is they appear to be going from the time the first person that hit 50. They are going alittle fast . think about it. by the time we get the whole set of elite wh gear we will have to get a new set for 55 , 2 month later we'll have to get another set to replace that . We dont have time to get any dents in the armor, or waear out the batteries in the sabers.
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my point is they appear to be going from the time the first person that hit 50. They are going alittle fast . think about it. by the time we get the whole set of elite wh gear we will have to get a new set for 55 , 2 month later we'll have to get another set to replace that . We dont have time to get any dents in the armor, or waear out the batteries in the sabers.


Right. But the vast majority of folks chasing that high-end gear, get it at a much faster clip than you do. Also, "Spring" does not even begin until the end of March and lasts until the end of June. Your "2 month" window is quite a bit further off than you think it is.

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Elite war hero is at 63. Recruit might become obsolete. They went from 1-50, to 51,56,58.61 and 63. If they do it right, columi will be the new tionese. In terms of pvp, they could use a booster like 1-50, 50-55 seems more likely for a bracket. You cannot put 50's in below 1-50 pvp.


I for one do not worry, I am interested to see what they will do. I find out whenever they release it, no reason to drive myself crazy and unsub off of speculation.

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my point is they appear to be going from the time the first person that hit 50. They are going alittle fast . think about it. by the time we get the whole set of elite wh gear we will have to get a new set for 55 , 2 month later we'll have to get another set to replace that . We dont have time to get any dents in the armor, or waear out the batteries in the sabers.


We don't know how fast the XP curve will be from 50 to 55. I would Love it if the entire planet of Makeb only got us like 1 level. I want it to take about 2 months steady playing to complete Makeb. 3 or 4 months casual play. Then again I got 6 lvl 50s so that's another 30 levels for me hehe.


As far as the armor situation. I want there to be new better gear. I like the gear grind. I have nothing to do if my guys are all decked out in BIS stuff. If I hit a plateau then eventually everyone else does and theres no insentive to do OPS anymore on those toons cause theres no reward. Completing content for the sake of the content it self isn't enough for me...

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Did you just declare in words, that you are the human equivalent of a rat experiment? The one where they taught the rats to push their own button (work) whenever they wanted food (reward). The rats learned to not bother and actually started starving if there was no reward....:eek::eek::eek::eek:
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You had to play the game to get the gear, correct? Did you have fun getting the gear the first time? (was it fun playing the game?) If Yes then you are in luck because more fun awaits to get the new gear, if No then why on earth are you playing the game still?
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Right. But the vast majority of folks chasing that high-end gear, get it at a much faster clip than you do. Also, "Spring" does not even begin until the end of March and lasts until the end of June. Your "2 month" window is quite a bit further off than you think it is.


Beat me to it :p


To OP, who cares if they add new stuff? you need something to spend the coms on anyway or you're getting capped out. If you play the PvP game often. For a casual PvPer yes it can seem annoying to always be on the gear train, but for the avid PvPer its not as big a deal.


For the ones who say 'well, I used to just buy the BoE gear and sell it, now I have to spend it on my own gear :( *sadkittyface*.' There is that, but you also have to admit that there will be those who ***** because they are capping out all the time. Seen it in every MMO I've played that has a PvP game. BW is in a no win situation, so I'm glad they chose the new gear route. I like new shinnies :p

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