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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove or Replace Shockwave


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Some of the problem is in the WZ match making system where 4+ of any class on one team is a setup for destruction of the other team.


What would have happened if you got hit by HiBs fired by 5 Vanguards all at the same time?


Yeah, that happened the other day too, the difference is having multiple geared vanguards/powertechs in a match to do enough damage is rare and more importantly there's no root. Against 4-5 lolsmash juggs, one Obliterates and roots me, other smashes, I try to walk forward, Obliterate, root, smash, walk forward, obliterate, root, smash, then dead. I already had full resolve too, from being blinded/stunned repeatedly, of course that doesn't affect roots (another problem with the resolve system). As I said, fully augmented wh tank gear, 22k hp, at least 1 healer on me, still couldn't get from mid to acid pit before dying.


I did get 1 score in the match solo for the team, that was when 4 of the smashmonkeys were busy focussing on a non-bubbled sorc to make sure they got a huge crit before the match ended.

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had 5 players focusing him and he's mad that he died!


you're kind of missing the point, but not surprised, since you likely play lolsmash and don't know how to play any other specs/classes or understand the mechanics or roles of the game. The point here is that there's a big difference between playing a light armored dps/heal class with battlemaster-war hero gear and playing a heavy armored tank spec'd class with fully augmented wh gear with not only Every defensive cd active, but a healer on you, and yet still not being able to walk more than 5 feet without dying. When that happens and it's because 4-5 of 1 specific class is all using the same faceroll ability, it means the ability is overpowered and needs a nerf. Otherwise, why even have classes or armor proficiencies in the game? "oh, well, light armor, you get an 8k lolsmash, medium armor, 7k lolsmash, heavy armor, 6k lolsmash, heavy armor tank spec, 5k lolsmash." I mean really, if that's the only difference between the armor ratings and if everybody is going to keep playing lolsmash while bioware does nothing, then expect to start seeing every class stacking a ton of endurance augs since that's the only thing that seems to keep you alive longer, even if only 5 seconds longer.

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you're kind of missing the point, but not surprised, since you likely play lolsmash and don't know how to play any other specs/classes or understand the mechanics or roles of the game. The point here is that there's a big difference between playing a light armored dps/heal class with battlemaster-war hero gear and playing a heavy armored tank spec'd class with fully augmented wh gear with not only Every defensive cd active, but a healer on you, and yet still not being able to walk more than 5 feet without dying. When that happens and it's because 4-5 of 1 specific class is all using the same faceroll ability, it means the ability is overpowered and needs a nerf. Otherwise, why even have classes or armor proficiencies in the game? "oh, well, light armor, you get an 8k lolsmash, medium armor, 7k lolsmash, heavy armor, 6k lolsmash, heavy armor tank spec, 5k lolsmash." I mean really, if that's the only difference between the armor ratings and if everybody is going to keep playing lolsmash while bioware does nothing, then expect to start seeing every class stacking a ton of endurance augs since that's the only thing that seems to keep you alive longer, even if only 5 seconds longer.


Bah, don't get so sore. You're not the only one who's been focused in a warzone before.


Honestly would it matter what the class make up is when you get focused? That's so trivial.

Enough already, do you really want class restrictions in warzones? Que times would become longer and you would lose the "beautiful chaos" that random unpredicted opposition now presents.


What's the next thing to cry about? Team co-ordination?



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According to the recent Dev trackers, we are not only getting a skill rebalance, but a gear rebalance.


My prediction: They are going to pull a Surge 2.0 and nerf Power. That alone, would probably make the "Smash Spec" less desirable for PvP while still leaving Rage a viable tree for PvE.


So nerf everyone.....great....

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I would love to know where you got that 5k+ from.


Yea, I laughed when I saw that. 3.5k is the norm. If someone has no expertise, it is possible to hit 4.5k. Funny, it's essentially half of a smash/sweep. Wow, sure is great for top tier ability. :rolleyes:

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Yea, I laughed when I saw that. 3.5k is the norm. If someone has no expertise, it is possible to hit 4.5k. Funny, it's essentially half of a smash/sweep. Wow, sure is great for top tier ability. :rolleyes:


The highest i can hit on my TB in PvP is 4k. Thats with 909.9 bonus damage (warrior buffed) and almost 79% surge rating. Expertise is 1314 and Alacrity is 3-4%. Even with stats stacked I still cant even closely get past 4k.

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Bah, don't get so sore. You're not the only one who's been focused in a warzone before.


Honestly would it matter what the class make up is when you get focused? That's so trivial.

Enough already, do you really want class restrictions in warzones? Que times would become longer and you would lose the "beautiful chaos" that random unpredicted opposition now presents.


What's the next thing to cry about? Team co-ordination?




actually, yes, the class makeup does matter. Why? Because I've had pvp matches with multiple mercs/sorcs/sins all dpsing away at me and just walking to the goal line in huttball as a healer kept the heals up, or at the very least walking far enough long enough while being dpsed to be able to pass. I can even usually walk past a couple of lolsmashers, but when there's 4-5 guys all hitting me for 4-5k at once and rooting me and repeatedly smashing, 2-3 healers can't keep up, let alone 1.


Seriously? can't believe you just asked that, group composition makes a huge difference when you're being focused. Do you understand damage types and mitigation? I can have 5 sins/snipers shooting/hacking away at me for a good 10 seconds and likely still have 50% hp without a healer, then pop a medpack and get back to ~70%, long enough to pass to somebody getting into position. But if I have 5 dps pts or 5 lolsmashers, I won't last 10 seconds, a little longer with the pts, since they don't root me, so I can walk further at least. If you're a tank with 8k armor, you're going to mitigate down a lot of attacks, so if a ranged or melee dps is using their basic attacks, a lot of that damage is going to be avoided/shielded or mitigated a lot, but if it's a lolsmash or railshot, it will be mitigated, but mitigated from 5-6k to 4.5k. So yeah... group composition matters when you're being focussed.


As for your point about limiting how many of a certain class you can have per warzone, where did I ever suggest I wanted that? I don't want limitations of how many of a certain class can be in a wz, I want tanks to actually act as tanks, i.e., little to no damage output, but can take a lot of hits, not an unlimited amount of hits, mind you, but a reasonable amount before dying, focussed or not. The way that it is now, in huttball, if you're the ball carrier, you will get focussed, period. that's fine, when I'm on my sniper or mara, I don't usually go for the ball if I can avoid it, because I'll die in 2 seconds, from being focussed by any class, which is fine, but tanks should be able to survive longer and right now they can't.


As it stands right now, assassins in deception/shadows in infiltration take smaller lolsmashes than pure assassin/shadow tanks in tank gear or jugg/guardian tanks in tank gear. So if bioware isn't going to nerf lolsmash, at least move the aoe damage reduction to the sin tank tree and move one of the dps skills or force regen to deception/infiltration, then give tank juggs/guardians a similar aoe damage reduction skill.


So yeah, if you're going to respond in a condescending manner and then either pretend not to know or genuinely not know the mechanics/roles of the game, then please don't respond at all. If you're worried that your smash is going to be nerfed, no worries, because it seems unlikely bioware will do anything to nerf it. That being said, no need to come onto the forums and personally attack everyone who's voicing concerns about an ability that by most estimates is overpowered.

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