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How will operations work with the new level cap?


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Hi everyone! While we can't address every concern raised in this thread right now, we can reassure you that the gear you've obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won't be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won't be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap. You'll hear more about RotHC as we approach its launch, and we'll continue to answer questions and provide more details!


tl;dr basically the same as now. The new level cap shouldn't make existing operations redundant, if I'm reading it correctly.

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Old content will fall by the wayside as new content is introduced. Current content wont scale for 55, it will be stuck at 50.


That really depends on how much better level 55 gear and abilities are compared to level 50. Yes, in WoW one level cap's end-game was quickly abandoned, but I remember in EQ1 where my hardcore raiding guild (that was frequently server first and occasionally world first in downing content), would go back to "old raids" and there would be upgrades for some (main) characters.


The question is, how fast will Makeb quest gear replace top flight end-game gear. And we will not know that until it is released.

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my guess is that since random drops on Makeb will be maybe 48-55 green drops and hc 55 quest will give columi level gear. That way the current endgame will not be obsolete and the thing that happens is we´ll get some of the diminishing returns fixed and the geargap gets closed a bit.
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