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So what will happen to current PvP gear when Makeb comes out ?


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Like the title say, what's going to happen to our gear ? Will something get deleted again ? Will a new tier get introduced ?


I'm asking because I have three ungeared 50s, which I'm just not going to bother playing IF Makeb is going to render the gear obsolete yet again. I'm just going to level up lower level alts.


Any clarification on this matter would be nice.

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Isn't it coming out in like April? Are you really going to wait that long? And you do realize that new gear tiers is part of being an mmo right? It will happen again and again. They just introduced a new gear tier, I doubt they will do another so soon.


Well, it takes A LOT of time to gear up one fifty, not to mention three. I would just simply prefer to drop the sub and spend that time leveling up another 3 characters to 50 until Makeb launches.


In other words 3 new 50's (to a total of 6) are worth much more to me than suddenly having "only" my "old" 3 50's geared up in an obsolete gear.

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check dev tracker. there are some posts in there that talk how xpac will affect things a little bit.


gearing up now is what you should do either way. because whenever the next tier of gear comes out, you'll still need current top tier for trade ins anyway.

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check dev tracker. there are some posts in there that talk how xpac will affect things a little bit.


gearing up now is what you should do either way. because whenever the next tier of gear comes out, you'll still need current top tier for trade ins anyway.


I did, but it seems like they are talking about PvE gear, which I couldn't care less about, since I'm not doing any PvE activities.


Also, I'm pretty sure that a lot of PvPers would like to know an answer to that question, rather sooner than later.

Edited by Rogoo
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LOL @ this thread


Are you asking that possibly 3-5 months from now would your gear not be the top tier anymore?


So if a new tier comes out you think not getting the current gear will somehow be better? How do you plan on fighting against the nest tier if you don't the current tier?


Takes a while to gear up? I got 3 pieces of WH gear for my Commando in 2 nights. It's super easy to gear up at the moment.

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"We know you're all very interested to hear about how the new level cap is going to affect your class, and I wanted to share a little information about the upcoming changes with you. As part of the new content, every skill tree will be expanding and you can expect significant updates. Players will earn a new skill point with each level, and new skills will be available in each skill tree. Additionally, a new active ability will be introduced for each Advanced Class. We'll have more details about many aspects of Rise of the Hutt Cartel as we approach launch, so keep your eyes on the website and dev tracker!" quoted by allison berryman"


So they're reinventing the wheel. Scary scary stuff

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They said in a later dev tracker that our current gear now, will be the gear we use then.


Hi everyone! While we can't address every concern raised in this thread right now, we can reassure you that the gear you've obtained in our current endgame will continue to be relevant after the expansion is released, and it will provide a great bootstrap into the higher-level content offered by Rise of the Hutt Cartel. You won't be replacing your Dread Guard gear with gear you pick up as you level, and thanks to improvements in the way item power is calculated, we won't be handing out any entry-level gear at the new level cap. You'll hear more about RotHC as we approach its launch, and we'll continue to answer questions and provide more details!


So at the very least, they won't be putting out new PvE or PvP gear until the Makeb Operations. We'll see how it goes. Also interesting to note, they are not handing out "n00b" packs at the new level cap, which means you get to grind your gear out anyhow.

Edited by Malkavier
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So if a new tier comes out you think not getting the current gear will somehow be better? How do you plan on fighting against the nest tier if you don't the current tier?


Well... battlemaster gear on two of my 50s just became obsolete. It simply got deleted, so having it is of ZERO importance now.


If the same thing is going to happen when Makeb is going to launch, I simply will not waste time gearing up my 50's and will level up my lower level chars.

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