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Lock the full servers


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This Is A joke i got in on early access day 3 join the one my guild was told to join ( so we should get priority along with the other ppl in the same boat told o go to that server ) eta time on log in says 15 min ) 50 min later still not ever 1/4 of the way throw the Que
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Well, I was assigned to my server via my guild, and I got this game to play with friends. However I refuse to sit in long queues, so I'm holding off entering my pre-reg number until the queues are fixed. If they aren't fixed by the time I get back from my Christmas holiday I'll just return the game. That will make one more spot for the rest of you. Good luck!
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The full servers should have been locked at the end of the early access period.


Don't get to play with your friends or guildmates because of it? Too bad. You should have pre-ordered and gotten a slot before everyone else.


Now the early access people who did bother to pre-order are being punished because of it.


Pre ordered and all that good stuff. Got early access 2nd wave and upon log on to pre-launched guild server, there was already a wait. ;(

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And giving free x-fers would do what? cause the SAME PROBLEM. Bioware is clearly showing lack of any attention right now. The minute all of the CEs sould out in pre-order they should have been working on population management.


All in all at least the servers are up. I remember whewen SWG launched...servers were offline for hours. at the very least we have a queue to wait in.

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Well, I was assigned to my server via my guild, and I got this game to play with friends. However I refuse to sit in long queues, so I'm holding off entering my pre-reg number until the queues are fixed. If they aren't fixed by the time I get back from my Christmas holiday I'll just return the game. That will make one more spot for the rest of you. Good luck!


You will be doing us a great service young one.

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The full servers should have been locked at the end of the early access period.


Don't get to play with your friends or guildmates because of it? Too bad. You should have pre-ordered and gotten a slot before everyone else.


Now the early access people who did bother to pre-order are being punished because of it.


This a million times. No buts and butts. Full stop.

Edited by Delolith
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There are multiple instances of environments on planets already.


Why not just create a single "RP Server", a Single "PVE Server" and their corresponding PVP versions and then just have as many instances as you need dynamically?


That is how Champions Online/Guild Wars handles it pretty much.


Then no one has to reroll anywhere really, and the queue is fair and balanced.


Friend on a different instance of the same world? change instances. Very simple. Problem solved.

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Guys, once the population settles in and they know how much more to raise the caps it will improve. In two weeks most queues will be gone.


This is so typical on launches you could have laid a bet on it happening.




It's not typical. No game before SW:ToR has pre assigned multiple guilds to a limited number of servers before launch.


It's going to get worse, not better, for the FULL servers as new players join existing guilds / friends / family on assigned servers rather than join new, empty ones.



Bioware haven't even put 'Recommended' next to new servers, so new players log in and decide between joining healthy, full servers or empty servers (there's nothing indicating they are new).

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Please lock them. The queues are getting LONGER, 3 hours is freaking ********.


Wow that is terrible lol. The longest I have waited was 30mins only to play for about an hour.


I'm sure the devs are well aware of this issue and posting / creating more of this thread would just add more fuel to the fire.


Just imagine if they did lock the servers. 2-3hrs later you'll see new threads about people complaining, they can't play with friends. You'll have people posting about holding off registration of the game until they can roll on a server with their friend (lol?).

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They need to lock servers and have people on that server who want friends to join to buy a key for them to allow them access. There is no sense in making people who were put on a server through the guild program be punished b/c new people want to play on the most populated servers. Anything heavy and up should be locked immediately until things die down.
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Wow that is terrible lol. The longest I have waited was 30mins only to play for about an hour.


I'm sure the devs are well aware of this issue and posting / creating more of this thread would just add more fuel to the fire.


Just imagine if they did lock the servers. 2-3hrs later you'll see new threads about people complaining, they can't play with friends. You'll have people posting about holding off registration of the game until they can roll on a server with their friend (lol?).


I'm playing since 13th and got my 2 characters to 35lvl. The zone I'm in Balmorra is almost empty, so I can't understand why I have to wait a ridiculous amount of time to get into an empty zone.... I left my characters logged in before going to work but they got logged out... Now I have ~4 hours of play time of which 60% will go to waiting....


The whole thing is instanced, why would they not increase the server cap at least.

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I know it's launch day, and I know lat issues and queues are to be expected, but isn't funny we have an entire page full of light servers and twice and many servers full? Can Bioware at least lock the full servers so no new characters can be created? It would actually divert incoming subscribers to the low pop ones instead of constantly crushing the old servers.


So real life friends can't play together?

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BW actually caused the problem themselves - at least partially. We can't put all the blame on the new commers.. Let me explain:


The whole point of EGA was to try and get as many people in before the big launch event on the 20th. This was to try and get people onto servers and try to spread them out. Thus why they were inviting in waves. This worked (mostly). People were spread across the already in place servers and most were fairly populated. Also, they introduced the server status page (where the problems began).


BW then encouraged people on the 20th, who did not have EGA, to roll on a Server that was Light / Standard to avoid long queues and get into game sooner. Excellent idea. Then, poor BW, KICKED EVERYONE OFF THE SERVERS right before launch. Thus, when someone new logged in, they see guess what - ALL the servers show Light... BRILLIANT.


So now you have people who already have characters on certain servers, competing with people creating new characters on these same servers. I logged in this morning at around 12:30 AM EST (-5 GMT) and for the FIRST time since EGA started, was placed into a queue (only 15 people) - no biggie as I was in in under 5 minutes. I logged in for kicks before I went to work (~ 6:30 AM), and was met with a 600 person queue. Meanwhile there are A LOT of servers showing "Light."



Now, we can blame new-commers also. We understand people want to play with other people - it's an MMO. But having that server status page, people could see which servers are populated and most, not all but a good portion, are choosing servers already populated. Granted, people want to play with guild / friends / family, etc... which are good reason.. But that's not EVERYONE; which says many are choosing the servers with a population that, from EGA, were already nearing their limits anyways.


Currently there are 46 servers showing as Light, 4 showing heavy, 1 showing very heavy, the rest are full. And - OH MY - the 46 servers are the new ones they Just opened up for Launch (US servers). That there should tell you something - NO ONE USED THEM - rather very few did.


While we all expected queues, it's getting out of hand. And EU is having more problems than the US due to fewer servers



I think the only way to get people to use those other servers is to.....


1. Lock the servers for character creation.

2. Have an NPC that sells a server invitation

3. If the server you want is locked, you have to know someone on that server and they have to INVITE you to it (spending their own in-game credits)

4. Allow character transfers to servers with lighter populations for those who wish to switch servers



Unfortunately, there is no quick answer. Guilds already placed on servers Could have had a place holder character for them under their account even - tied to swtor.com login info, so that they would already be placed on that server. many different ways it could have been done.

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Yes. That is the solution. Lock friends from being able to play with friends. That is a way to keep subscriptions flowing :rolleyes:


Stupid move. BioWare don't listen to this non-sense. We all know it will balance itself out over time.


In many MMO's servers don't ever balance out properly - the OP is correct there are pages of light population servers, and others that are full to capacity.


They should lock them down and if friends want to play with friends they should have registered together in the pre-registration period.


Now we have this mess - loads of space for players - but those of us that been playing since day 1 of early start and had our guilds servers asigned to us are now suffering because the new players all wanna rush to the higher populations - cus they think it will be a better game experience.


The queues on some servers will take a long time to come down because of this.

This is not like many other mmo launches where queues settle in a couple of days - I dont think that will happen here.

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I know it's launch day, and I know lat issues and queues are to be expected, but isn't funny we have an entire page full of light servers and twice and many servers full? Can Bioware at least lock the full servers so no new characters can be created? It would actually divert incoming subscribers to the low pop ones instead of constantly crushing the old servers.



So what happens when friends and guildmates go to create a character and can't? Really people need to think this one through.

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Locking servers will only resolve the overload issue in one way. It will create unsubs from existing players on a server where their guildmates cannot join and it will prevent new subs from starting because they cannot join their preferred guild.


Bad move for everyone involved!

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