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Walker Analysis: All Terrian Attack Pod


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Alright am gonna stray from Starfighters and give some insight on a few ground vehicles, there will also be pictures posted up from now on to give a visual. The first one up, my favorite the All Terrain Attack Pod or otherwise known as the AT-AP this is my favorite of all the walkers from any era.



The AT-AP evolved from the AT-PT and the AT-TE walkers towards the end of the Clone Wars. It was highly successful in transporting heavy artillery, and it served as its main function of being a mobile gun to shell enemy positions. It featured highly advanced targeting systems which gave it the nickname "the sniper tank" and though it had two legs, it also had a third retractable one in order to give the walker more stability. It was armed with a mass-driver cannon, a heavy mounted blaster turret, and a medium laser cannon and behind the main gunner's saddle was a supply cache with tools to repair any mechanical failure to the walker.


These walkers appeared on the battle of Kashyyyk, also on Felucia and Saleucami. During the GCW, the Rebellion managed to gain a few of these walkers, and they also fell into the hands of the Hutt Cartel and the Zann Consortium.



Cost: Not for sale(though estimated value at 150k)


Max Speed: 60 km/h


Armament: A mass-driver cannon, a heavy blaster cannon, a medium laser cannon.


Crew: 1 pilot, 2 gunners


Cargo Capacity: 600 kg


Consumables: 2 days




http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/6d/Atapkashyyyk.jpg - On Kashyyyk


http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/2/21/AT-AP_sideview.jpg - Simple View



Thoughts: As said, this is my favorite walker from any era not just from the looks of it, but being that its main weapon is a mass-driver cannon. Those cannons pack a punch, and not only that are able to have a variety of shells put into it compared to blaster/laser cannons making it deadly.

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