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Multiple Cartel Market items


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I have spent a lot of money lately on Cartel market items and I have ended up with about 15 duplicate vehicles in my characters.

I have tried to sell them in the GTN with no luck and they can't be sold to vendors for some reason.

Some items that appear unboudn (BoE) can't be sold on the GTN for no reason, I don't get an error message, just "you can't sell this item".


Since we are talking REAL money now, and not in-game money, You need to do something about this.

Give us the option to at least sell it to a vendor. We have bays full of crap we can't do anything about *which we bought with real money*. This is ridiculous.


Not only that by customer service sucks lately!! I have e-mailed them twice about issues about the game and they responded with either "we will look into it" or "post in the forums". Nothing came out of either.

You used to be able to solve our issues, what has happened?

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I agree about the cartel market items, and I think Customer Service's actions can be explained in two ways. First off, they have always responded with that message. It's the notice that your ticket has come to the top of the queue and has been dealt with. Secondly, they're probably still behind on tickets because of the recent launch of Free to Play. New players = more questions.
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