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5 Simple Suggestions


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The following five suggestions are simple to implement compared to other great, yet more complicated suggestions. Even though there are so many interesting suggestions out there, what really matters is how realistic/easy it is to implement. Even if just one suggestion would become reality, it would have a profound, positive effect to the game.


1.) Fix the stealth, free battle rez bug.


Obviously, this bug makes PvE content easier. You bet your tauntaun pet that this bug is exploited to its absolute fullest in top endgame operation groups. Just ask yourselves: how much easier is HM TFB if you have two free battle rezs on top of the actual battle rez. The more horrendous reality is that this exploit is only available to stealth classes. If you are part of an operation group with no stealthers, you have a huge disadvantage.


2.) Increase the mats required for top tier PvE item modifications (27 mods/armorings/enhancements...).


Firstly, lets be honest with ourselves: Synthetic Energy Matrices are not used up much. That is why their are so cheap, market value wise.

Going back to the suggestion, gaining top PvE gear/item mods is too damn easy. Within a month of 1.4 (that's four HM TFB clears max possibility on a single toon), dedicated PvE characters are more than half Best in Slot (27 item mods) because of how easy it is to obtain upgrades.

Well the solution is pretty obvious, add Synthetic Energy Matrices to all future item mod schematics. For example, have 28 enhancements and mods require ONE Matrix. Have 28 armorings, barrels, and hilts require twice as many matrices as the 27 versions. This would not be a huge change, yet its a step in the proper direction.


3.) Add rare crafting schematics for synthweavers and armormechs.


Lets be real here, being a synthweaver and armormech is not as lucrative as other crafting professions (not by a long shot actually). Add some rare crafting schematics in the mix for synthweavers and armormechs. This is a very open-ended suggestion, this can be accomplished in many ways. Possibly add some adaptive armor piece schematics to the game.


4.) Add novelty items as rewards to ranked PvP.


Ranked PvP is not as lively as we would like. More incentives would totally help bring more PvPers into the ranked warzone scene. Add new awesome PvP mounts again. Maybe even some crazy, unique weapons. Details are really up in the air, Bioware can figure it out.


5.) NiM EV/NiM KP Challenge Mode


Honestly, NiM EV and KP are obsolete to many PvE players. These operations may not be as interesting as the newer two, but they still have a wondrous feel that many enjoy. How about making an official mode where a group, not an OPERATION group, clears through NiM EV and NiM KP for a title + novelty items. A group, as in a FOUR-MAN. Again, the details are up to Bioware. The basic jest is quite simple though.

Edited by Arovien
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