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The company I work for, works in a similar way. However, If you look at other teams working on other MMO's. They do not have as much grief with bugs. Yes, they all have bugs. But NEVER have I been a part of an MMO that has this many and for so long. Some bugs still here since beta?! C'mon, who are you kidding. For every 1 bug that is fixed it feels like 3 more are created. Bioware is known for their bugs. Even KOTOR was absolutely littered with them. And still is! Plus that is a console game!


I am reminded of a quote from Bruce Leveritt in the book Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers:


"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."

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As soon as i saw "sitting in chairs" as one of the OP's important quality of life features i stopped reading.


On the other hand, when you're in your starship, if you right-click on the captain's chair, you sit down in it and the galactic navigation map opens up -- this means that the animation for sitting down in a chair already exists in the game (and we see it elsewhere in the game during various cutscenes -- the first encounter with the Sniper class contact on Balmorra, for example). But building the animation is only part of the process; the devs would then have to go through all of the world files and designate 'sittable' locations -- the benches and stools in the cantinas, the chairs in various locations -- and even after doing all this work, there would still be complaints about "Why can't I sit down on X?" So the entire mechanic of sitting down will have to be taken out and examined to come up with a way for the game to look at the location indicated by the player's mouse pointer when they click (or whatever) and performs the appropriate sitting action. More work for the devs. All of which makes adding a general ability to sit down on things nice to have but unlikely to be developed until after more serious issues have been addressed.

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OP thinks him drawing a line is what makes BioWare decide what they should do next. Too funny.


They've already decided 1.7 is Ilum and the Rep system. I agree that they need things like transfers etc. but the RP stuff can definitely wait. That's just your personal list of gifts wanted.

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wow.. and people blame devs for ruining games - its idiot gamers like you that do not know what makes a game good... sitting in chairs? seriously? and people wonder why there are no good MMOs out right now
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I would also think that a housing system like the one on CWA might be a cool add, mainly because dude really?! My character spents all his freaking life on the streets I know we have our ship but dont you think it would be cool to have your own apartment at least on your favorite planet? And also imagine having your own customizable stronghold for you guild.


BTW I totaly loved those life styled ideas, I hope Bioware checks this thread soon and gives us their opinion.

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I got an Idea when I readed this thread of quality of life stuff, I was wondering how it could let players to interact more each other wich I think is important in a MMORPG. The idea is to give your Legacy Family Tree more use and get some more unlocks by building sibling/master-apprentice/slave-slaver/love/rival/father or mother and son or daughter relations with other players that help you to unlock from simple unique emotes to skills and special movements depending on your relations that work when you and your mate play together.


If you are interested on this idea I will leave the thread where I explain better how it may work: Relation System Between Players


I would also appreciate if you liked it to reply to my Idea on that thread so more people can see it.

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