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Suggestion : Maintenance week


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Okay, I know how much this forum hates people who actually know what they're talking about, but I'm going to take a moment out of my day as a professional developer to explain some stuff:


This is silly. It's not like Bioware only writes code during the downtime. They are always writing code and fixing bugs. They don't need to down the servers to work on code. I guarantee you they have dozens of test servers that they work on in the background.


The only thing that your suggestion would do is rob players of a week of play time. It won't help the developers one bit.


Just take a moment to think about your coding credentials before you start insulting me.


I wont insult you. You obviously know about coding. But, this game is nearing closer and closer to being utterly broken and something really needs to be done about it. Not fireworks and party jawa's.

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