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Star Wars: The Old Empire?


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I've been subbed for a year now and that's because I really got into the game, classes and stories...of the Empire.


As a Star Wars fan I came in identifying with the good guys and all those childhood memories of the original trilogy. I loved the whole concept of the jedi and rooted for Luke and the rebels to take down the evil Empire.


But unbelievably I've never been able to level a jedi knight in this game and that's because it's so BLAND on the republic side.


Everybody and everything on the Republic side is coated in a brown-yellow color scheme. And figuratively speaking, so are the stories. The consular story has you healing a jedi sickness. Seriously? That's SO BORING.


Its one thing to be the good guy and do good things but CRIKEY I didn't sign up to work in a convent!


Is it possible at this point to change anything with the stories? If not how about the graphics?


Just a few suggestions that shouldn't break the bank:


-Draw up new spell icons for the trooper and jedi consular. The ones they have don't exactly say "click me".


--Swap out some of the brown textures to...anything but brown!


-Seriously show me a sports car painted in BROWN. Tell me if this conversation has ever taken place: "Sir I'm looking to pay $50k for the latest sports car but you don't seem to make them in BROWN. That sir, is a deal breaker for me. My awesome ride MUST be painted BROWN!"

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-Seriously show me a sports car painted in BROWN. Tell me if this conversation has ever taken place: "Sir I'm looking to pay $50k for the latest sports car but you don't seem to make them in BROWN. That sir, is a deal breaker for me. My awesome ride MUST be painted BROWN!"[/b]


What kinda brown are we talkin' here? Wheat would be a terrible choice (just look at the crown victoria), but chocolate could be quite sensible. Furniture manufacturer's have made up a color called "espresso/expresso" that is also a very nice deep brown.

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I really got into the game, classes and stories...of the Empire.


As a Star Wars fan I came in identifying with the good guys and all those childhood memories of the original trilogy. I loved the whole concept of the jedi and rooted for Luke and the rebels to take down the evil Empire.


But unbelievably I've never been able to level a jedi knight in this game and that's because it's so BLAND on the republic side.


Everybody and everything on the Republic side is coated in a brown-yellow color scheme. And figuratively speaking, so are the stories. The consular story has you healing a jedi sickness. Seriously? That's SO BORING.


Its one thing to be the good guy and do good things but CRIKEY I didn't sign up to work in a convent!




Jup, i feel the same after playing as SW my point of view of the Sith and the empire completly changed. In my opinion the empire side has been much better designed regarding the lore and stories than the Republic one, the only time i actually managed somehow to get past 20 with a Republic character was back in the beta with my JK, after that, is simpley cant do it. the stories are so, so boring(EDIT: am re-rolling another JK just now, so far am on my way to Coruscant)....still in comparison with lets say the Sith warrior, the Jedi Knight story still isn't even half of it in terms of engaging story....





Everybody and everything on the Republic side is coated in a brown-yellow color scheme. And figuratively speaking, so are the stories.



on a side note, whats wrong with the yellow color? :p

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  • 3 weeks later...

I loved the consular story, its a good guess that others do too. I can appreciate that some may not like the old republic style, it did not match the images in my head from how I imagined it might be. I love it never the less.


That said, jedi wear brown (or similar derivatives) I strongly oppose any attempt from mmo players to petition this game to be more like wow, or whatever else. Fairies, unicorns and kung-fu panda's are not for me. The day I start to see tie dye jedi robes is the day I sadly leave.

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I loved the consular story, its a good guess that others do too.


u might be one of the few; very few who "loved the consular story" :p


That said, jedi wear brown (or similar derivatives) The day I start to see tie dye jedi robes is the day I sadly leave.



that said, i particulay dont have anything against Brown Robes, but i do thing there should be more variation in the game, more options to make each person feel more unique in the way they look.... for instane taking "the clone wars" for example almost each jedi u saw there, had its own unique outfit, they did not looked generic...


btw what u mean with:


I strongly oppose any attempt from mmo players to petition this game to be more like wow, or whatever else. Fairies, unicorns and kung-fu panda's are not for me.


i really dotn get what u mean, what has anything of what people has sugested to do with making the game more. WOW alike? in the contrary people wish the republic classes to have a better, more mathure and catching, story and feeling in general...

Edited by YeIIow
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