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Slicing on a leveling toon?


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Hi there!


As the title says, I just have a relatively simple crew skill question. I am leveling what I am hoping to be my first 50 at the moment, a lvl 23 jedi knight, and I currently have biochem and bioanalysis on him. The only trouble is, I don't really have a lot of money to spent 2k every ~10 minutes sending my 2 droids out on diplomacy missions, and im not really using the exotic mats because by the time I've RE'd up to blue or purple I'm just about to the next level of green stim/medpac.


So here is my question finally sorry, is Slicing worth picking up solely as a way to make money while I am leveling, I know it was early in the game, but I just came back after leaving around February or so and I'm a little out of the loop. Thank you so much for any input I really appreciate it!

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It won't net you tonnes of cash, but if you stick to the cheapest 2 missions per level (the rest will lose you money most likely) then you should be able to pull in a bit.


The real gains come from picking up the credit cases on each planet and most of all from selling the top-tier crafting missions you get from critting on the GTN.


As an aside, most FP's have a slicing node that allows you to avoid areas/fights or gives you a pet which is always nice.

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I have two low-level toons (20 and 24) that I like to run Slicing missions with. I leveled their Slicing to 400 as fast as possible using Lockbox missions. They tend to break even (with about a 30% variance in either direction of the mission cost), but Orange and Yellow missions have a notable chance to fail. However, once I hit 400, I found that running Rich Grade 5 missions turned the most profit for me. Whenever those crit, you get a Blue lockbox (worth between 3k and 8k credits, IIRC) and a mission unlock that more likely than not will sell well on the GTN.


But for your first toon, Slicing's main benefit is that it's a simple money generator. You don't have to mess with selling stuff on the GTN or dispatching companions if you don't want to - lockboxes in the field give you a good supplementary income stream if you keep your eye out for them. Plus, as long as you don't run Orange missions when a Yellow or Green is available, you can net a decent profit from Lockbox missions. In fact, you don't have to run Orange missions at all - gathering lockboxes on the field will level up your Slicing skill and get you access to the more profitable missions in due time.

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Slicing is the #1 moneymaking crew skill by itself, hands down. With the gathering professions, you have to farm tons of materials in order to get 99 of them to sell. with Slicing, you can just keep sending your companions of missions. Slicing is about the only way to get the Mission Discoveries and some of them sell for 30k+, the 340 slicing ones sell for 50k easy on my server.


plus all the 1k+ boxes lying on the ground you can pick up at higher level. those add up.

Edited by Holinyx
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Well, from experience on my server, slicing is really the only way to make any money apart from dailies at level 50, you can't make money via gathering skills, because no one crafts on the server, not in the 10-48 level bracket, 'not worth it' they say.


If only i enjoyed crafting (i hate it personally) i wouldn't need slicing, since i take slicing for the credits it gives while questing, if i enjoyed crafting, i could make my own gear and not have to worry about anything at all, but i hate it, so i always take slicing and so many crafters that could make so much credits crafting and selling blue quality gear, its not even funny, its more like depressing that they are losing out on so much profit possibilities.


In the end, all the crafters really care about is how much money they can make, not how they can help the server community, i mean, i understand that crafters need to make a profit like any business does, but there is a difference between profit and greed and majority of the crafters in majority of the mmos out there, are just in it for the profits and if they can make something for 1k credits and sell it for over 50k, they would, even though it might not be worth more then 5-6k......as i said...greed.


Anyway, slicing is always what i go with, i always send my companions out on moderate missions, they tend to bring in the most return, though i think they do need to tweak it abit for it to be worth the risk of sending out a mission for rich or bountiful, but so far, its just not worth the cost.

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