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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wz's Epic Reward


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So, its now very easy to pick up War Hero gear & the Epic set is suitably only a little better, marginal really so more for mix/maxing but seriously evened the playing field.............this is good.......but......people want incentives, a reason to play and something to be going for.


Ok................any ideas why you would want to keep playing and playing pvp apart from the enjoyment, if you have War Hero and aren't going for the Epic Look?


How about........a Warzone only speeder? Can only be used inside warzones AND you are dismounted at the first bit of damage you receive, no matter how small? You have to collect the 5 Epic items to get it for an additional cost, be them head, chest, hands, legs and feet.


Great for getting back into battle quick, for aiding those posts under attack, sneak attacks via the long route with speed, could even utilise them in the future wz's.


I think its great............if you dont' like it then please suggest other ideas to keep people pvping once they have full War Hero and aren't really worried about Epic stats or look?


The fun of it is unfortunately limited as some kind of aim, however vague, is always usefull in tempting you back time and again.

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Not going to comment on the in-warzone speeder idea but it would have been nice with a small carrot, just for fun. How about an item for completing X amount of games? And yes, I know that someone will say that it will be exploited by AFK'ers. It's like that in every game, instead of looking at how it would increase incentive/fun factor for 99 % of the population it's often dismissed as something the 1 % could exploit. How about we get the carrot and report the exploiters for afk'ing? It would probably prevent more people from quitting warzones than it would create afk'ers.


I mean, most things in this game are re-colored so how hard could it be to give PvP'ers some new items (read:colors) to work for. Two-colored crystals where white is one of the colors would have been sweet. Purple-white anyone? I believe black crystals is out of the picture or I would have suggested that.

Edited by Washingtoon
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Sadly, I think the current WZ's are to small for speeders. Don't get me wrong, I really wish there was a WZ map suitable for speeders that could support a more 20 vs 20 scenario. Ilum was the closest thing we ever had.


Once again, not flaming your idea. I'm a GS, so having a means to travel faster from point to point is greatly desired.

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How about some more warzones and some sort of individual ranking ladder system in addition to what we already have. How about warzones featuring teams of 4 or teams of 10, or 10+. How about battlefields featuring teams of 30. Edited by crunchbarry
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How about some more warzones and some sort of individual ranking ladder system in addition to what we already have. How about warzones featuring teams of 4 or teams of 10, or 10+. How about battlefields featuring teams of 30.


Im sure teams of 4 or 16 should be easy for them to convert as already existing ops frames sounds good to me, pref the 16 as im sure the ranked teams of 4 would go through the roof.


I like the personal pvp ranking idea, i know that as a pugger my ranking will also largely depend upon the teams i get and when i can play but i know this as a sorcs if i dps im winning well under half and as a hybrid/heal im looking at about 75% wins so it would appear i can affect a change in my fortunes.

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ive been saying this since launch.


bioware needs to design a pvp system beyond warzones that get players excited just to be involved. some meaningful open world pvp (or open-ish world) with a pvp meta game would be a start. give folks more to pvp for than just the gear.


i used to say that some of pvp for fun. be lets be serious, unless you enjoy self-inflicted pain, pvp really isnt that fun anymore. at least not for more than an hour at a time

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An individual standing system with ranks by server (since there is no cross server pvp and with name issues alone likely never will be). plus a team rank system or guild rank that can be viewed on the net like COD or Battlefield does on Xbox live (where you can see your friends rank vs your own, and the world/server). But it really comes down to why do you pvp, do you feel part of the fight between Empire and Republic?
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