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Hybrid build?


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i was wondering which of these hybrid build were better, both were found on this forum and both look good.


i am on a pvp server and am leveling if that matters. i do plan on pvping at one point though not right away


also, which tree should i go up first while leveling, i was thinking vengeance


finally what gear should i use for the hybrid, DPS or tanking.








thanks for any help.

Edited by Mewmaster
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For defensive minded/CC control I would probably go with something like 21/16/4


For an offensive minded tank, I personally use an 11/28/2


And I think the standard that a lot of people are running is something like an 18/23/0


Few things I noticed in your builds, aside from the fact they were Jedi Guardian builds :mad: lol, I would advise not taking skill that don't synergize with everything else. Meaning, don't take shien form because then you lose out on those skills in the immortal tree that require you to be in soresu. Don't bother with heavy handed if your not going to take both backhand and decimate, don't bother with sundering assault if your taking crushing fist. I'm also not a huge fan of placing two points in stagger for a whole 1 more second of immobilization. I prefer putting them in accuracy to get me to the next tier instead. That way I can mostly ignore accuracy in my gear.

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thanks, can those builds work for leveling up and for endgame pve as well as pvp. What tree should i go up first.


edit: also, for the offensive minded one, can it DPS by changing stance and gear or is it just a tank with better dps but less control

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That offensive build is mostly for pvp and I don't stance dance (I didn't take shien form or anything related to shien). I mean I can solo most 50 pve content with ease using quinn but if you're going to be doing a lot of ops/fp's hard modes and such you will want more shield and absorb for pve tanking. You probably want one of the other 2 hybrids for pve tanking as well. I would be far too squishy to tank pve with my setup I think. You could probably off tank if your group has another full tank and they know what spec you are though.


For leveling up, this was way back in the day now mind you, I went a full 31 immortal build actually. I only switched when I hit 50. This was right around 1.2 when they kinda borked the immortal tree further than it already was.


Conversely I'm currently leveling a Guardian and I'm leveling him as the 11/28/2 spec to see how easy/hard it would be. I'm finding that it's just as easy leveling up. I did place the 11 points in immortal first though then went to the Vig tree. Always stayed in soresu.


If you have never tanked/used the class before it may not be a bad idea to go up as a pure tank with lower level tank gear just to get the feel for how shields work in pve (and don't work in pvp) then switch later rather than investing comms in 50 tanking gear only to find out you don't like it. If you plan on doing both pve and pvp I would recommend the dps heavy pvp gear and get the 50 tank pve gear for when you do operations and such.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Ok, so i have leveled a tank before (though not to 50) and i am going to mostly pvp at 50, but when me and my friends want, i want to be able to do some pve as well as do the dailies everyday, (though probably not ops) so which tree do you think would suit me. again thanks for the help.
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Probably one of the other two specs would be 'ideal' but you could probably get away with the more offensive minded one for pve if you don't mind switching some of your gear for more shield and absorb before some of the tougher content.


EDIT: I didn't mention it here but as far as my pvp gear goes; base DPS gear, stack defense and surge until around 25/75, shield off-hand for the base 20/20 and the rest power.


Best thing to remember is pvp = lots of force/tech 'yellow' attacks. Pve = lots of weapon 'white' attacks so shields are your friend for high level pve, not so much in pvp in my experiences.

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Do you mean 25% crit change and 75% multiplier or what do you mean with 25/75?


That was defense and surge rating. I stacked defense until it was around 25% and surge until it was around 75%. This does mean having to grind some tank gear just to take the mod and enhancements out. You can get these higher if you want but with the diminishing returns I find that I would have to invest too much to get very little in return. I found that was the right sweet spot with plenty of room left for power and a little bit of crit rating.


Crit rating is mostly an afterthought with that build. Vicious throw and force scream should have a +60 crit chance after every impale, and using one or the other doesn't use up the proc, it still lasts the full 9 seconds. Meaning you can use both with the same proc. Impale is on a 9 second CD. See where I'm going with this? hehe Then add in the 30 percent chance to finish the CD of ravage every 9 seconds as well. It's a really fun spec.


I usually jump, ravage, impale, scream (it should be still free of rage cost and +60 crit chance), ravage again if it procs or sunder, vicious slash, retaliate etc until impale is ready again. Of course filling in taunts, chilling scream, choke and so fourth when necessary. I really like the sinister "hehehe" giggle when rampage procs though. Good times.


Then you get boatloads of damage reduction with this as well. 40 percent from invincible (10 seconds, 3 min CD), 20 percent after every leap for 4 seconds, 15 second CD) and 15 percent from enraged defense every 45 seconds with a 4 percent 'all the time' reduction from talenting deafening defense.


For pvp, rage management isn't much of an issue with all the stuns flying around (I usually find myself with oodles of rage most of the time) but for pve you do have to watch your rage management a bit more. I try not to use vicious slash too much in pve and use my free smash more. I really only use smash in pvp for aoe'ing a door or node to stop caps.


edit: also, for the offensive minded one, can it DPS by changing stance and gear or is it just a tank with better dps but less control


To tie this in, this build doesn't do all these (offensive) moves quite as well as a full Vengance would in Shien form but the trade off is you are much tankier, more survive-ability and can use guard. It's also a really good solo node holder till teammates arrive. I found myself in this role a lot with this toon.

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