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1-Year Anni - Where are you now?


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So it's been a year since launch, and I'm curious to hear some other stories.


We've gone through Ilum, server transfers, new ops and warzones, and now on to F2P! What has your experience in the game been like? Favorite memory? Least favorite?


For me it's been a little rough, seeing the guild that picked me up after launch fall apart, yet I have been lucky to have guildmates who still are around and playing, even one who I met in my first weeks of play and PvP'd with for a year now!


My least favorite memory is most definitely the day before 1.2, I still remember the disappointment I heard from all of my guild when we were updated that no Ranked Warzones would be in. With their arrival in 1.3, I was on a new server and my guild had been gone for weeks thanks to a de-populated server. It just wasn't the same :( I don't feel bitter, but I still remember the sting of that particular disappointment.


My favorite memory is a lot harder to pick from, because there have been many shining moments for me. I think I'll go with an old one, my first "Zerg" on Ilum. Us Reps from The Crucible Pits (Represent!) pushed Dara Mactire and the Imp Zerg from mid all the way to their base. Having just hit 50, this was quite amazing to witness (at 2-5 frames per second). And, of course, the following 20 minutes of /say banter and angry threats going around between two very large guilds. Ah I miss Ilum :D


I would really like to hear other stories from the Community, how have y'all fared?

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OP, i've seen you've gone through a lot of changes. same here. i made some friends on the forum before prelaunch, and we decided to make a guild together. but shortly after 1.2 came out, they all left for other games. it wasn't until the Rakghoul event when i found another guild to join. this one went through a few changes (leaders quitting the game, half the guild going inactive), but i've been hanging tight with the core group to this day.


least favorite memory was probably watching my first friends leave the game. we had got to be close, but the others just lost interest in SWTOR. one guy went back to WoW, and the other got into the GW2 beta. i had tried WoW before. it was meh. and i had just dropped $60 on this game. i wasn't about to drop another $60 on a game that i wasn't sure if i'd be into or not, 'specially if i couldn't get into the beta to try it out. so i stayed here.


my favorite memory? that's a hard one. i'm gonna say the first time my (current) guild beat FE SM. i remember we kept getting stuck at the HK fight for some reason. i think it was cause we were pretty undergeared, lol. but when we finally got through the whole thing....what a rush. XD


i think this is the first game that i started at prelaunch and stayed with for as long as i have. i don't have any intentions of leaving anytime soon. can't wait to see what the next year brings.

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Hey guys, thanks for the responses.


Happy I totally agree with you about fe, downing hk was SO difficult for us at first haha.


Saw your thread blazing, I'll miss seeing an active face on the forums :( unfortunately i've heard similar things from old friends before, sucks to see somebody leave unhappily

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Well, I've been here since early access (which started a year ago tommorrow btw) and somehow have only gotten one character up to 50.... I have a DPS commando and some other lowbie guys.


My favorite moment is either my first op which I did 2 weeks ago! My guild and I ended up getting to G4-B3 in KP 8 man before we finally gave up! I ended up listening in on Mumble with no audio from the game itself... That or possiby my first few moments on Ord Mantell with my trooper. I was a total n00b (I had no Idea how to repair gear) and died like, every few minutes!


My least favorite moment was possibly reading that the Trooper's stun got nerfed to a 10 meter range... I kind hated PvP for a few days afterward.That and the constant amount of hate posts and people saying stuff like "I quit because of this blah blah blah..." personally I think that they should pretty much just leave. /rant over


I'm loving TOR so far! :rod_smile_g::w_smile:

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1.6 greatly turned me off because of the way BW poorly implemented it.


I'd have to agree with you there. After getting HK on my main and a couple of alts I have no other use for the cartel market. I've been playing less and less since 1.5. Not canceling yet but just waiting on Makeb and the Ilum revamp, was sort of waiting on the Cathar but not so much anymore. I'll come on every now and then to maybe help a guildmate. Besides that I'm probably spending the majority of my time now playing Firefall.


Taking in consideration Jeff Hickman's response on the Live Event stream the other weak about the SSP stuff. "We think you'll be surprised and love it". Maybe if they started opening the Info gates more on what future content is coming but as it is right now I'm really skeptical.

Edited by Raideag
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Enjoying myself with IRL friends these days.


My highest point and lowest point are kind of intertwined. When I first came to SWTOR I came here with the same IRL friends I'm playing with now, but they were busy and not playing much at the time so I hit 50 long before them, so I started PuGing. I happened to, in my first Operation PuG, run into a mostly guild run with "bravofivezero" on Belgoth's Beacon. Very chill folks, had a great time and the guild leader invited myself, and a few of the other good pugs, to join his guild. I joined, had a great time. We weren't elitist, yet we were all great players. We were working on Nightmare Modes within a month, ended up clearing 9/10 Nightmare with only Soa left IIRC and then the servers started dying out, our guild merged with another and we lost half our raid team slightly after this.


It wasn't the same after the guild merged and we replaced half the group. I still loved the 3 that were still there but ended up quitting because it just wasn't the same. Belgoth's Beacon at this point seemed rather an empty shell of what it was formerly as well.


I'm thoroughly enjoying myself again though, still talk to my old Guild Leader from time to time and I love being on these "mega" servers and having a Group Finder tool.

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Like most people seem to be saying, there were rough spots along the way. Luckily for myself and my wife we have fallen into a great Guild, with very active players. Lets take a look back though. Earlier in the year if not running with our guild the group finder was hit or miss, and warzones were premades vs. pugs, got my arse handed to me alot then.


Now though , group finder has been working spectacularly for us, when not doing guild activities we go a harvesting until group finder pops, which to our suprise hasnt been long waits. Doing 2-3 HM's a night when so choosing. We are excited about the new WZ, but have yet to give it a shot. Our guild is so active theres always something going on.


My wife likes crafting, and makes better coin than i do on the gtn, shes got a knack for it i guess, so she enjoys that.

I like armstech, and very recently my armormech is making good sales of the battlemaster shells, so thats a bonus.

With the addition of flashpoints like Kaon , and lost island, we feel like we arent burnt out on those yet, and heck i even enjoy some of the less played flashpoints. I personaly also enjoy the new influx of players, i rolled a new toon for the sole purpose of helping people out with answers to questions, or assists with heroics etc..


As far as dislikes, well sometimes general chat degenerates to levels of debauchery unheard of, so off it goes :). I kind of expected that would happen though, so i can workaround it. My biggest complaint is on my healer if someone dies i actualy feel terrible that happened on my watch, so i give it my all to prevent it. Never has anyone been untoward to me for letting them die, even though i always apologize. All in all, i love the playerbase, i can count on both hands the number of people ive grouped with that i would not group with ever again. Thats saying something!

Happy holidays everyone, thanks OP for a good topic.


and feel free anyone to look me up ingame, EbonHawk, Imps: Pix'oriss, Ylossk Pubs: Merd, Hakkath

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Well, I also started playing during Early Acces together with some IRL friends, joined a guild with them had a blast, loads of buggs but we didn't cared about that.. Untill 1.2 all my IRL friends left and I was left alone in this game! I'm still playing tho, had my ups & downs .. Now I'm just roaming the galaxy, joining pvp doing daylies..
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Been playing since Launch loved the game even the repetitive quests I have done on various characters,now with the introduction of Cartel Market which is fine to a degree if it just stuck to fluffs,exp boosters etc but with the introduction of the crystals,the gear that forces craters out of a job i see this becoming a P2W mmo and for me I will never ever pay a sub or even play an mmo with that type of playing field..this is of course my view and I know using the P2W rattles players but heh...other than that I have enjoyed the game 100% not always the server population but you get that anywhere.

Never had any major issues with the CS, only once and that got sorted and I take my hat of to the CS guys/girls I know what you go through every day as I used to be in the same type of job for 12 years.


Anyway 1 day left of my sub ..donno if be able to post once it expires so ...


*Waves Goodbye*

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Anni. . .





He was, at the end of the third movie, there were 2 Jedi and 2 sith in the main storyline. I would call that bringing balance.

But with this thread, my favorite part would have to be first setting foot in this game back in early access, I am a huge Star Wars fan and have been closely monitoring this game ever since it was announced. Least favorite would be constantly seeing 2-3 other people on the fleet during prime time when my server was dead.

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