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A possible solution to the appalling customer service recently...


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I won't mince words..ever since ftp customer service has been either non existant or so appallingly bad that its not worth submitting tickets ..


So since EA obviously doesn't care anymore I propose that they let us care instead..


Age of Conan did something called the followers of asura


Its basically a player base help system with subscriber's who have shown themselves "worthy" are able to deal with tickets and provide customer service on the simpler issues ..


If you offer sub reduction's or perhaps a cartel coins bonus for those who give their time to help others you could recruit a fully functioning help base and not have to actually pay more for it...


Obviously there would need to be restrictions.


Subscriber's only with at least 6 months ,

No complaints against the account

Tickets from home server would be re-routed to other agents to prevent self buffing



So what do you think?..we drop the useless autoresponses to tickets we didnt submit and get a customer service team that play the game and actually give a crap!

(and to the droids..dont worry players wont be able to handle every issue so you'll still get escalated tickets to ignore ) :eek:

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I like it, I'd love to spend my free time helping other players out. Seeing as how now I either run dailies once a week for the credit boost, run the PvP dailies until there completed, then sit on fleet or roll an alt for about 20 levels. Would definitely give me something more to do :)
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