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Twi'lek hoods and barber shops?


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Yeah, I don't mean to beat a dead horse but the twi'lek are my favorite race but when they're a force using class I feel robbed if I can't wear a hood. I read in beta they had them sticking out the back which would probably look bad unless there were holes for their lekku or if their lekku were just hanging in the front. Is anything going to be done or are they just not going to be able to wear hoods?

Also, I think it'd be cool if barber shops were added to the game. You know, change your character's appearance just in case you decide you don't like what you picked at character creation anymore. I like my characters to look cool so the more character (and companion) customization options available the more interesting the game is for me and people like me.

Also, I read they're putting same sex relations in the game which is something it's really lacking, but they never said when. Much like Skyrim, you should be able to romance regardless of gender. It's about to be 2013... seriously... :confused:

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Years have nothing to do with game design, and this game is still playing catch up. Half of what you asked wasn't implemented in game like skyrim right of the bat and years in other MMO's.


I do agree they should just make a twilek or alien head design so when its placed on a species that clearly can't display it, it will display something that suits the race instead.

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Years have nothing to do with game design, and this game is still playing catch up. Half of what you asked wasn't implemented in game like skyrim right of the bat and years in other MMO'S


Let me clarify: what I meant by saying "it's almost 2013" is we should be past the point of being squeamish over removing gender restrictions. There are players from all walks of life who play this game.

I'm aware it's a recently released game so I understand it will be lacking certain elements but I'm perplexed as to why gender restrictions were placed.

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