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SWTOR glory days?


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I have played this game for about a year now-since the release, and i feel like the best days are behind me. I pved more then pvpd from december to april, but after the guild broke up i didnt really pick raids back up. Now adays i dont have the time for a 3-10 hour raid. So, now I just pvp by my self in pub groups, maybe i get 2-4 of from a guild on my side. Also pvp doesnt have the flashy appeal to it anymore. You simply just play until you get enough commendations, and you know what you armor you are going to get. I really liked the champion back packs because it made things exciting, and harder to get armor. I liked it because you could show off cool armor, and people would whisper stuff like "you are so lucky you got that chest peice" and so what. I mean seriously to get armor it only takes time. Perhaps with the release of more and more tier armors this was going to happen anyways. I also miss the days when you would see all the different classes in pvp, now i never see classes such as the commando and the smuggler, which i have a level 50 for both of those. You only see force users and ops- sometimes snipers. I also have a sith jugg tank, and i hardly see any tanks anymore, all are dps or healers. Plus, being a tank is pointless now. Another thing that makes me mad is how op the stat power is, on my commando i have power in all my armor and i do about 930-1190. While its fun, it just is boring. Another thing is there isnt really any armor differentation, it is getting better, but not really. Youll have 20 different color variances of one single armor, really? And the sith inquistor war hero armor makes you look like Medusa's younger cousin. And jedi warrior armor makes you look like some enemy you saw in marvel and allaince (1) sea level. Another thing is doing 1-49 missions -non class- are boring because ive done them all multiple times. I wonder how many people from my original guild that i use to raid with still play, and what servers they play on. :( Am i just rambling, or do other people that have played this game since the beginning have the same feeling. :rak_02:


BTW i have 4 level 50s. Smuggler, Commando, Sith Assassin, and Sith Jugg.

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I played this game in Beta and it was meh.


I played it at release and it was alright.


I resubbed a month or so ago and while there are still things wrong, they have fixed quite a bit of the issues at launch.


The glory days of this game are not gone, and hopefully we're not in them either (as there ARE still things that can be improved on IMHO). This is not the best MMO out there but its definitely better than its ever been.

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It is a mmo.

Mmo are glorified chat rooms.


For me swtor glory days ended when early acces ended.

To many loligagers and people who didnt give a **** about grouping up joined the game.


I still enjoy swtor but the sheer amount of solo players ruins the mmo part.

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In the MMO market, subscription games are the way of the past. With the dramatic influx of new players for the experienced few among us to manhandle, the best days of this game can only be ahead.

I tend to remain of few words on forums but I have to disagree that the 'glory days' of this game are in the past. Whether you favor SWTOR for the personal story or the endgame, it can only improve with a larger player-base.

See you around.

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