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Cyrillic in the chat (Russian Topic)


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I too vote for the full Unicode support. Dear developers please make us all happy.


I do understand the issues of the "bad general-chat-russian-flooders" and to be honest hispanic, greek and swedish and your-own-hated-language-speakers as well. Personally I and my guild have no need in unicode support in general chats or in the game interface (like character names and so on). But we'd prefer to communicate in our native language while in the guild or guild-party chats. We are a small roleplaying guild and none of us had ever made such a shameful thing as cyrillic spam in general.



We do speak English and we love it. But we do love our native russian as well. Please turn the full Unicode on and may the Force be with you.


Fix your signature, its "Do or do not. There's no try."

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Would like to rise this problem.


There is no support for cyrillic in the chat.

I think this is the issue, because SWTOR is officialy released in Russia, and we need suport for cyrrilic letters ingame.


Thank you for understanding.


There are no russian servers.


The EU servers are.






So there is no real need for the support yet. wait out for a russian server or adapt young one. :eek:



All that being said, I am sure they will take note and help you guys post launch.

Edited by LordSahl
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I am not afraid of you guys and I support Russian servers if thats what you want...a big part of my enjoyment of MMOs is meeting ppl from all over Europe....I just want to roll an English server thats speaks English so I dont waste my time


As you figure it out, pm me the name because i'd like to play on that server too.

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this. wait for the EU servers to come up.


How would that help? Russia isn't in the EU (and probably never will be) and none of the French, German, or English speakers in the EU want it on their servers either.

Edited by HELhikari
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Would like to rise this problem.


There is no support for cyrillic in the chat.

I think this is the issue, because SWTOR is officialy released in Russia, and we need suport for cyrrilic letters ingame.


Thank you for understanding.


Wanna know where it's NOT released? Oceanic places. Yeah.

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As long as it stays on the Euro servers.


I've had my fill of funky text in asian imports.


No we dont want it in the Euro servers any more than you do! Russia isn't in Europe you know? lol



Give Russian speakers their own server and allow them the option of typing in russian on that server only OR in their private and guild chats to.

Edited by Vortgon
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No we dont want it in the Euro servers any more than you do! Russia isn't in Europe you know? lol



Give Russian speakers their own server and allow them the option of typing in russian on that server only OR in their private and guild chats to.


Given the size of Russia, I suspect that may be the best idea...although given the size of Russia - depending on its international links - some of them may have better response times connecting to servers in the Western US. Are there any connections between the US and Russia via the Bering Strait?

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I am playing with my friends now. And it's really hard to play and communicate whithout Cyrillic. We have a very big Ventrilo server, but my guild is about 100 people. it is not possible communicate with everyone at the same time. This situation is depressing.


Please add the Cyrillic alphabet in the game. At least in a group and guild chat. Thank you.



Edited by Alary
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Thank god there are no cyrillic. I hate it when you got russians spamming on the general in russian language.

Do you prefer trying to understand trasliterated crap ?))


No offence m8, but russians are very bad at english.

The most funny thing and at the same time a sad one that some of those illiterate idiots (illiterate in russian too btw ) are against cyillics . /facepalm

Edited by Styrmir
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Thank god there are no cyrillic. I hate it when you got russians spamming on the general in russian language. No offence m8, but russians are very bad at english.


you would be literally amazed how many russian are there among you , speaking english getting parties and doing content or talking in general , in not a perfect but quite understandable english . You shouldnt be really judging a entire country from youre own narrow point of view .


If we want we can spam general with russian wrote in english ( ishiu gildu ruskuyu esti jelaiushie dlia pvp itp) an example . do you see such messages ? I dont , so i wouldnt expect them to pop up once we have cyrilic characters , its for oure own personal chats , party guild or whispers , so pleaseeeeee Get of this thread .


A russian speaking player . Thanks .

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