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Cyrillic in the chat (Russian Topic)


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I'm Russian player and I'm completely against cyrilic fonts in this game at least! Many foreign players still think that Russians are rude to the world around only because when most of them are able to use cyrilic font they use it everywhere. Especially in general. I hate some moments when I play with people from Europe, they ask each other "from?" one says UK, another says "cool, been there", they have a friendly discussion. Then they ask "from?" too, I say Russia, they often say "Russia... ok..." and then silence...


I want to play with people mostly, not with cyrilic fonts... And many Russians have the same oppinion, though they don't write it here, mostly people typing their oppinions here are for new fonts. I'm still against and many people who are against too just don't type in such topics. BW please mention this.

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Completely support this petition.

Using translitiration is such a pain, and if someone wants to say jibberish in general he will find a way to do it with or without cyrilic fonts.

So by not adding cyrillic suppot you're punishing polite customers, while doing nothing against those who abuse chat(it's like using DRM to prevent piracy, really)



Shame on you, take pride in your country or gt... i mean please leave at once so we would not be offended by your presence(see how nice russians are?)

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Completely support this petition.

Using translitiration is such a pain, and if someone wants to say jibberish in general he will find a way to do it with or without cyrilic fonts.

So by not adding cyrillic suppot you're punishing polite customers, while doing nothing against those who abuse chat(it's like using DRM to prevent piracy, really)



Shame on you, take pride in your country or gt... i mean please leave at once so we would not be offended by your presence(see how nice russians are?)


OFC I will not leave. I'm proud of my country, I will always say I'm from it. And i don't want people from other countries to have a bad oppinion of it. That's why I'm against. Every person who is for this petition - is for giving terrorists weapon of mass destruction. 1 person with cyrilic in general destroys all efforts of those who want to be trully proud that they live in Russia.

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Ye, because you failed to understand that it was obiviously an typo. That makes you even dumber tbh.


I think he understood it quite well actually. But you're right, it wasn't a typo - but pure nonsense produced by ignorance maybe?

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1 person with cyrilic in general destroys all efforts of those who want to be trully proud that they live in Russia.


I feel cyrillic sticks out from the rest too much. It looks so different that you cannot go without seeing it. I've seen a lot of different languages being used in chats and they kind of fade whereas a different script is more noticeable, and therefore Russian annoys them more, too. That plus stereotypes.


I support your petition and there could just as well be Russian servers as well. Bioware hasn't been very good at addressing these issues, I remember from beta how many if not even most servers were German or French instead of English. I guess they either don't know anything about Europe or they don't care. I find it hard to believe they wouldn't know this much about us.

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Please also give us :



Hindi (हिन्दी)





oh wait instead let me give you a link cause this is a LOOOOONG list.




you see there are alot of languages and i surely understand that you might want to have yours, but why not try to use English on a server that is just that?


Before you flame me, I am not English or English native speaker. I just learned to be able to communicate with the world in the most common and used language we have at this moment of time on our planet!

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+1 for cyrillic. Also for greek or whatever you want. It's just idiotic, MMOs made back in 2007 etc allows you to use your system language & nearly 2012 release doesn't.


"We got full voice over" they say. Ingame movies! Yeah, sure. Everyone reading subs , sound off cause all are in vent, teamspeak or whatever, lol.

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Big thanks to all foreign comrades who have supported us, we just want to talk on our native language in private, guild, party chanells with each other.


In fact, we will try to minimize spam in the general channel from russian players.


Btw I also support the right of other non-english speaking players to communicate in their native language in private/guild/party chat chanells



Something 4 h8ters: Well, just stop to be afraid of Russians=) Do something with your "gameskill" and u wouldn't need to run away with yours 2500 ppls community from 500 members russian clans^^

Zhirinovsky has told to you: "Enough to endure this!" Never heard? :D

best regards!

Edited by mrVolkodlak
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I hate some moments when I play with people from Europe, they ask each other "from?" one says UK, another says "cool, been there", they have a friendly discussion. Then they ask "from?" too, I say Russia, they often say "Russia... ok..." and then silence...

That's nothing new, many Europeans and Americans are prejudiced against Russians, due to historic reasons, media brainwashing, xenophobia and plain ignorance (reverse is true as well). Sure, some of it may come from objective experience, and obviously there are jerks among every ethnicity. But really, why punish everyone for the deeds of a few? Especially considering the lack of cyrillic support will not solve anything, the same jerks will spam general chat using transliteration instead.

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By the way, many games which don't distinguish game servers by language simply have several general chats, one for every major language, or even allow custom chat channels to allow community to manage itself. Just look at EVE Online etc., that solves ~90% of problems with people who are afraid to see uncommon scary symbols in chat.
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I support this idea. Even better - make a full Unicode support for chat.

Some guys complain here about General and other channels. Ok, you don't want Cyrillic there. That's ok with me (but you already can enjoy every language that use Latin letters in General), but I want to chat on my own language in my guild/party/raid chat. Why are you trying to deny me of that?

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Good idea to make support of сyrillic in game. At least in the guild channel. It will be very convenient for interaction of people in guild.


Other trolls and Russofobias shouldn't worry, this question doesn't concern oil and antimissile defense of europe :D

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