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Cyrillic in the chat (Russian Topic)


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to all people, arguing like "you can use english alphabet for russian language".

Just imagine that you can use, for example, greek alphabet, even in guild/private chats.

It's possible to write english words using it. It's even readable. But not so comfortable and fluent as english )

Plus, I guess, greek has different keyboard layout.

Just imagine that and you will see, how transliteration is annoying. It's usable, readable, but not comfortable at all.

Edited by Thorgnir
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i take really offensive that they didn't include Russian language...Btw, Russia actually part of Europe ( whoever stated otherwise is moron ). Those who's writing negative comments about this idea are pretty much racists) For me as American, english is the way to go :) BUT i dont mind seeing Russian mates talking in Russian ( as long as they respect everyone else)


Want this guy to be my president :)

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Respect others, use english. don't be egoist.

Your statement doesn't make any sense. What does the language someone speaks in private with his friends have anything to do with respect? If you are bothered that much by something which totally does not concern you on any account, maybe its you who needs to learn to respect others? Seriously, I'm not much of a tolerance person myself, but such views are ridiculous.

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hahaha. are you stupid?


1.: how can you possible compare a WORLD LANGUAGE to russian? russian is segregated just in ONE AREA, just like chinese btw. English is spoken pretty much everywhere in the world and is interconnecting relations and business. bad analogy.


2.: Increasing the star wars feeling? Yeah get your own servers so the rest wont bother with you, just because youre a illiterate society that doesnt want to bother learning anything else than your ugly language.

At least you re some kind of good exemple of being stupid yourself.


Wasn't i speaking to you in English, child ? So speaking about any illiterate society when you re probably not even able to speak to me half the way i m able to do it in a foreign language that is English to me is kinda hilarious :p


I ve spent my last vacation at Tokyo. And guess what, almost all of the Japanese people that i ve meet there don't speak English at all. The problem with such simple minded people like you is that they have a biased view of reality. English is a business language. Not a language that all the people on earth learn. Some rather like to learn German, Spanish, Italian or any other languages but English.


So stop being a jerk and act like an adult. Those people ask for having the possibility to use their alphabet in private chat. Where is the problem ? As i ve said, you don't hesitate to speak English on a foreign server when there is no English server at all.

Edited by EmmanuelFR
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i take really offensive that they didn't include Russian language...Btw, Russia actually part of Europe ( whoever stated otherwise is moron ). Those who's writing negative comments about this idea are pretty much racists) For me as American, english is the way to go :) BUT i dont mind seeing Russian mates talking in Russian ( as long as they respect everyone else)


Geography is not everyone's strong point.

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I am torn between several thoughts..


On one hand I could see myself agreeing with the inclusion of Cyrillic alphabets to the game, myself residing in Eastern Europe.

On the other hand I just know that if you give them/us Cyrillic letters - the general chat WILL be spammed by inconsiderate arrogant sons of *****es, who think they be kings 'o da servers, ruining the experience for other players.


Sooo.. in conclusion I'm against this :) I think if we're playing on a server designated as English, then we should abide by its rules.. and if someone doesn't like it.. well there's the door *points to an invisible door*

I don't even use Cyrillic letters irl, and people understand what I'm writing just fine.

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I'm glad there's no support for it. (I do, however, hope support for it comes swiftly at some point after 20 December 2011.)


There was a reason for limiting the languages supported at launch.


You say that there's "a lot" of support/need for this. The market research done for the game did not indicate that it was sufficient to dedicate time and resources to.


Sacrifices have to be made in order for a game to eventually launch. To you, it's just one tiny thing to add so that everybody you personally know can enjoy the game with more ease.


To the developers, it's just one more item on a very, very, very, very long list of items that people demand.


The game will be expanded to become more inclusive in the future. I hope it's soon. But delaying the game to support languages that were specifically unsupported would be silly.


You obviously missed main issue that OP raised - or you are just trolling.


He did not ask for language localization of SWTOR to russian - that will probably come in future when they launch Russian servers.


What he asked is for SWTOR to support Cyrillic in player written messages.


And there was no need for "sacrifices to be made" in order to support this - if they have chosen to support Unicode , which is expected from any modern game.


So I support OP, even if I don't like to see non-english messages in general channels.

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I do not understand why the server is set up EU-English? In Europe, there is no English. Make sense?


United Kingdom ? And In nearly every country in Europe you learn English in School..


Somehow I'm happy that there is no Cyrillic Language, nothing worse than Russians speaking stuff nobody else understands.


They should just get their own 5 servers.

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Thats racist, be ashamed.

We just need to ignore closed-minded ppl like you.


No it's not.

How would you feel like when people are speaking some language in front of you that you don't understand ?


But I have to say I don't really like russians. That's not just for fun, I have my reasons.

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I got to say, once again *many* of you American aren't missing this opportunity to demonstrate how narrow-minded and xenophobic you can be. It's sad that because of people like you, half the world hates *ALL* of you and won't get to know that there are also many of you who are truly educated, smart and tolerant. Good job fueling the hate!
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I got to say, once again *many* of you American aren't missing this opportunity to demonstrate how narrow-minded and xenophobic you can be. It's sad that because of people like you, half the world hates *ALL* of you and won't get to know that there are also many of you who are truly educated, smart and tolerant. Good job fueling the hate!


I lived in russia for 15 years, and in US for 12, and russians are way worse than americans can ever hope to be.

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I got to say, once again *many* of you American aren't missing this opportunity to demonstrate how narrow-minded and xenophobic you can be. It's sad that because of people like you, half the world hates *ALL* of you and won't get to know that there are also many of you who are truly educated, smart and tolerant. Good job fueling the hate!


I'm from Europe, Luxembourg. We have many Russians in our country, I have many reasons to not like them. I know not every Russian is a scumbag but still, if they play on an English Server they should speak that language.. Just like everybody else !


Why should they get an extra treat ?


The solution is that they get their own server with their own language !

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I lived in russia for 15 years, and in US for 12, and russians are way worse than americans can ever hope to be.


I'm not Russian. It's just a general comment. There is no better or worse, there are morons everywhere. I just can't stand that "speak English or die" attitude.

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No it's not.

How would you feel like when people are speaking some language in front of you that you don't understand ?


But I have to say I don't really like russians. That's not just for fun, I have my reasons.


I would feel completly normal. By bf is nigerian, and sometimes him and his family use that kind of broken english that i just cant understand and Im completely cool with it!

Edited by LiyaOrgana
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to all people, arguing like "you can use english alphabet for russian language".

Just imagine that you can use, for example, greek alphabet, even in guild/private chats.

It's possible to write english words using it. It's even readable. But not so comfortable and fluent as english )

Plus, I guess, greek has different keyboard layout.

Just imagine that and you will see, how transliteration is annoying. It's usable, readable, but not comfortable at all.


Erm, I speak Serbian and I have no problem writing in Latin. Hell, I only really use Cyrillic for one thing anymore and that's my signature. I'll sometimes use it for writing a letter or something too, but I usually use Latin for that as well. When typing, I only ever use Cyrillic if I'm forced to, for some homework and such.


Different keyboard layout? That's your choice, countries don't sell keyboards that are only in their own layout. Honestly, when someone tells me "It's a YU keyboard!" when I'm shopping for one, I tell them to stop messing with me and show me one with a normal layout. Besides, even if you have a different keyboard layout, you can't tell me you're not used to it enough to write in Latin.

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Would like to rise this problem.


There is no support for cyrillic in the chat.

I think this is the issue, because SWTOR is officialy released in Russia, and we need suport for cyrrilic letters ingame.


Thank you for understanding.


good, i dont want cyrillic in chat.

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I'm from Europe, Luxembourg. We have many Russians in our country, I have many reasons to not like them. I know not every Russian is a scumbag but still, if they play on an English Server they should speak that language.. Just like everybody else !


Why should they get an extra treat ?


The solution is that they get their own server with their own language !


I from Russia, but I completely agree with you. :cool:

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